rabbitoh07 wrote on Aug 8
th, 2013 at 6:35am:
You are.
I could be on that one.....i honestly dont know...?
Quote:You told a lie when you said it was an IPCC graph.
It isn't.
Just another lie from you.
True i dont whether it is or not, i assumed it was.
Quote:Just as you told a lie when you said that the Head of the IPCC said there had been "no warming for 15 years".
This is where you come unstuck, the head of the IPCC said there had been no warming for the last 15 years, he aknowledged it.
So if there has been no warming what else could it be, does heat STALL well not in my books.
Quote:As we now all know - he said the exact opposite. He said it would need to last "30 to 40 years at least" of stable average surface temperature to break the long-term global warming trend. You told a lie.
Didn't lie, we have already had 15 years of no warming half way there.
Quote:And just as you told a lie when you said that Hansen said there had been "no warming for 15 years". As we now all know - he said the exact opposite. He said: "We conclude that background global warming is continuing, consistent with the known planetary energy imbalance, even though it is likely that the slowdown in climate forcing growth rate contributed to the recent apparent standstill in global temperature" You told a lie.
What does the recent apparent stand still mean in your books?
Does heat stand still......????
Quote:Doesn't it bother you that you are have to tell lies like this to try and make an argument?
I'm not telling lies champ, like all the global warming religion zealots as soon as you feel the pressure you stop talking about the science and go for the character attack.
Bring it on dude....???????
Quote:Why can't you try telling the truth?
See how that goes?
The truth is today we have some of the coldest temperatures we have ever had on Earth, we also have one of the lowest amounts of CO2 in our atmosphere that we have ever had.
The oceans are not heating as 3000 buoys all over the world keep telling every 2 weeks or so when they surface from a dive of about 2000 metres and give us the temperature of the ocean.
CO2 has never driven climate change here on Earth, look to our history for that when we had 7000ppm actually life flourished when we has 20 times the CO2 we have today.
Weather baloons and satelitte data have failed to find the computer simulated model's hot spot in the tropopause its just not there.
This fact alone in the old days when scientists worked for the love of science and not the love of money wouid have been enough to have the hypothesis of AGW discarded into the rubbish bin.
We all know that 95% of the Earth's greenhouse effect is from water vapour, all other green house gases make up the remaining %5.
Problem for bankers with that is they cant tax you on water can they...????.......or can they...?????
Do you want a water vapour tax too.....???
The bankers will create a $2 trillion dollar market tradign carbon credits, when this happens cleaning up manmade CO2 emissions will go on the back burner.
My suppa your suppa and any other investments will find their way into this market.
And once again there will be booms and busts in accordance with there strategies.
That is the truth.
In November 2010, German economist and IPCC official Ottmar Edenhofer stated that climate policy has almost nothing to do anymore with environmental protection.
Quote:"Ottmar Edinhofer stated
But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy. Obviously, the owners of coal and oil will not be enthusiastic about this.
One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole."
http://www.hotheads.com.au/carbon%20tax%20scam.htm Quote: