The_Barnacle wrote on Apr 22
nd, 2013 at 8:31pm:
bogarde73 wrote on Apr 22
nd, 2013 at 3:28pm:
Oh Yeah, having made his sneering remark in relation to justifiable complaints about the bias in the ABC, chooses not to engage in any further argument on the matter. No wonder.
Among the matters I would like to see an Abbott govt do something about is ensuring a level playing field in ABC commentary.
There is no point. Unless media coverage gives uncritical support for Tony Abbott (ie daily telegraph, Alan Jones, Andrew Bolt etc) they are labeled as being biased to the left.
It still mystifies me how Q&A can be labeled bias. They have a panel made up of equal numbers of left wing and right wing commentators and politicians and an audience that roughly matches the profile of the opinion polls. By definition this program can not be bias.
Unless of course its because the crap that gets posted here by members of the Right under the cloak of anonymity are things that the cowards would never say in public on national television.
QandA has a number of repetitive subjects whose repetition cannot be an accident. It must be planned. Boat people, gay marriage, and climate change almost always come up, and it's the same opinions all the time - save the boat people, pro gay marriage, with little opposition.
Why not have repetitive topics like overpopulation in the third world, and what are the third world (not the first world) going to do about it? What about the multi-billion dollar foreign aid bill that we fork out with little in return? What about funding for the Bruce Highway? What about the waste in the public service?
They don't talk about these things because the trendies who operate QandA have an agenda.