In posting this;
I'm thinking about what 'state' the federal government coffers will be in, when this present government is removed......
THE PROMISES WHICH POLITICIANS >> USED << [ <--- past tense!!!!], TO GET ELECTED INTO GOVERNMENT, WERE NEGLIGENT AND IRRESPONSIBLE PROMISES, should politicians be made accountable [for making what can be proven to be, negligent and irresponsible promises] -
after they leave office ?
And if
the stewardship of politicians in office was negligent and irresponsible [and their stewardship can be proven to be, negligent and irresponsible], should politicians be made accountable -
after they leave office ?
Made responsible how ?
Made 'accountable' how ?
by losing all of their parliamentary entitlements, as past parliamentarians ?
by losing all
taxpayer contributions to their generous super entitlements ?
....and more ?
ESSENTIALLY, WHAT I AM ASKING IS;How can we [the taxpayers who employ these
buffoons] bring negligent and irresponsible politicians to heel ???
How can we [the taxpayers who employ these buffoons]
make politicians accountable for their stewardship of this country ???
And remember, it is a stewardship which politicians clamour to achieve.
It is not an office which is 'imposed' upon them.
steward = =
1 a person who looks after the passengers on a ship or aircraft.
2 a person responsible for supplies of food to a college, club, etc.
3 an official appointed to supervise arrangements at a large public event.
4 short for shop steward.
5 a person employed to manage another’s property, especially a large house or estate.Dictionary;
negligence = = failure to take proper care over something.Dictionary;
irresponsible = = not showing a proper sense of responsibility.