John S wrote on Apr 25
th, 2013 at 11:37am:
Murdoch Censorship Gives the Lie to “Freedom of Speech” Claims
yet who is the the line of being sued...with our so called FREEDOM of SPEECH..
as Dick has said we now have digital Rolf has had to find out............and from what I have seen so far.. digital media is exempt from being sued... at least I havent seen one of them court yet...
grow profits at all costs..............really? so says Dick..who I am sure is still reaping profits from woolies even though they charge like a wounded bull..with no conscience.
John S wrote on Apr 25
th, 2013 at 11:37am:
“The news industry is failing us; owned by self-interested corporate media barons who put profit before principle. Today’s news is more interested in generating sensationalism and controversy than fulfilling its historic mission of educating the public and our democracies are in danger as a result.”
surely he means New Ltd... he seems very biased in his protestations that NO ONE Is LISTENING to DICK..
why did he not take his lament to Fairfax?.. the Canberra Times would have made it headlines..
why would we TRUST a newspaper??? whats he going on we trust the Womans Day?....
I can only presume he is in midlife crisis and is needing attention..
some of us actually put two and two together and come up with 4 we dont need a media baron to tell us....and we certainly dont need GET UP to stir us up against each other.. or bloody Dick Smith for that matter...
can anyone explain why we should TRUST DIck SMith...he who flies around the world making as many emissions as he can...I am wondering how much damage his magazine will have caused?? oh thats right we dont count that do we.
he has money why else would anyone print this??????/////mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
yet he despises Murdoch because he also has money..
guess what Dick I do not buy the D.T very often there was a time I bought it every day without fail.. any idea why I have stopped ?????????.. if you wish to kn ow let me know and I will tell you..
does anyone else think Dick is trying to push his opinion down peoples throats.?...
2.4.million copies of his opinions...what an ego!