Brian Ross wrote on May 26
th, 2013 at 1:55pm:
The British people are made up of many different ethnicities, Herbie.
Well, actually, no, Brian. When I was in Devonshire and Berkshire during the '50's everyone was native to the British Isles and Ireland.
No one was a foreigner except the tourists.
All white.
All Christian.
All generational.
All indigenous to the British Isles and Ireland.
All rowing in the same direction.
No one talking about "Strength in Diversity" ~ and "We are one but we are Many" ~ and "Multicultural Britain" ~ and 'cultural sensitivity' training for the police, the teachers, and the politicians..
And no one pointing the finger and accusing others of 'racism' - 'bigotry' - and 'xenophobia'.
And British soldiers being told not to wear their uniforms in public in their own homeland lest this inflame passions of murderous hatred from members of the community.
Brian Ross wrote on May 26
th, 2013 at 1:55pm:
no matter how long you may have live in the UK, you cannot be British, even if born there.
There are the
faux-'British' immigrants such as the Jamaicans, and then there are the core British people.
The immigrants will become solidly 'British' only when eventually, after however many generations, they will start barracking for the England sporting teams instead of being cheer-squads for visiting teams arriving from their ancestral homelands.
At present the Negroes in England will barrack for ANY foreign Negroes ... the Pakis will vote for ANY visiting Muslim teams ... etc etc
It's as simple as that. It's a Litmus test of where their loyalties lie, and who they identify with.
At present there are fourth and fifth generation migrants to Britain who gather at the sporting events to cheer on the West Indians, or the Pakistanis, or the Indians, etc.
Get the picture, Brian?
Institutionalised 'Multiculturalism' is a crock. It sponsors generational alienation of immigrant communities from the mainstream host people.
John Cleese was university-educated, and as such, was a freak for remaining disenchanted with leftwing ideology. Same with Mr Bean's Rowan Atkinson ~ a rightwinger.
But please note: It's NOT 'rightwing' to object to your country being swamped by unassimilable immigrant foreigners.