shockresist wrote on Jul 26 th, 2013 at 9:37am: Yadda wrote on Jul 26 th, 2013 at 3:15am: shockresist wrote on Jul 25 th, 2013 at 10:19pm: Yadda wrote on Jul 25 th, 2013 at 9:58pm: shockresist wrote on Jul 25 th, 2013 at 8:35pm: .... there is no such thing as taqiyyah in islam but was invented hundreds years after the prophet Mohamed. Just like the concept of three god in one in Christianity.Jesus never preached 3 gods in one, but was invented by the lying christians after jesus was gone. Yes, that is correct shockresist, there is no such thing as taqiyya in ISLAM. .....AND THE MOON IS MADE OF GREEN CHEESE, TOO! Google; "taqiyya in islam"Google; taqiyya - the muslim doctrine of deceit BUT HEY!!!!!, .... THERE IS NO TAQIYYA IN ISLAM FOLKS!!!! I don't care what you think. Again you got your information wrong cause your a parasitic imbecile. As true colors, sunni muslims don't believe in Taqiyya , only the shia muslims believe it. shockresist, You appear to be lying. You are a moslem. But i repeat myself. p.s. shockresist, Muhammad Taqi Usmani, is a Sunni moslem. He is practising deceit regarding the intent of ISLAM/moslems, towards infidels in the UK. And Muhammad Taqi Usmani appears to be, a low deceitful, lying moslem dog. And he is a Sunni moslem, who is practising taqiyya. Quote: Live in peace till strong enough to wage jihad, says UK Deoband scholar to Muslims London, Sept.8 [2007] A Deobandi scholar believes Muslims should preach peace till they are strong enough to undertake a jihad, or a holy war. Justice Muhammad Taqi Usmani was quoted by the BBC as saying that Muslims should live peacefully in countries such as Britain, where they have the freedom to practise Islam, only until they gain enough power to engage in battle. A former Sharia judge in Pakistan's Supreme Court, 64-year-old Usmani, is...a regular visitor to Britain. Polite and softly spoken.... He agreed that it was wrong to suggest that the entire non-Muslim world was intent on destroying Islam, but justifies an aggressive military jihad as a means of establishing global Islamic supremacy.
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/faith/article2409833.ece Boo hoo hoo. There a billion muslims in this world, since when is one comment by a individual indicative of what muslims believe in? That's was only his opinion, and has nothing to do with taqiyya. Yes of course you are correct, shockresist. Once again, we see that the behaviour of one miscreant moslem, even if he is a respected scholar and "A former Sharia judge in Pakistan's Supreme Court", his miscreant behaviour and actions have absolutely nothing to do with, nor have any connection with 'real', 'mainstream' ISLAM, and the beliefs of 'real' moslems. Of course.  Is there wrong doing among moslems ? Not the fault of moslems. In fact the wrong doer, can no longer be accepted as 'representative' of being a 'real' moslem. [psssst, in fact, that guy Muhammad Taqi Usmani, he is prolly an infidel who is impersonating a moslem, so as to bring ISLAM into disrepute!!!! yes! that's it!  ] From the moslem camp, denial, always denial. Denial. Denial. Denial. NEVER, EVER, an open heart, ....to accept and acknowledge what is truth.i +++ shockresist, God, the God of creation, does not like people like you. Moslems. Liars, deceivers. Psalms 28:3 Draw me not away with the wicked, and with the workers of iniquity, which speak peace to their neighbours, but mischief is in their hearts. shockresist, You are so into the denial, and the deception, and the lies of ISLAM, that you can't even see it. See what ? You can't even recognise shockresist, that you and your moslem brothers, are the Kuffar which you despise!!shockresist, you and your moslem brothers, are the Kuffar!!!shockresist, Why do you think that God has allowed you, to have such a black, lying, deceitful heart ? Is it because you despise what is true, continually, repeatedly ? "Dear muslim, YOU are the kuffar" http://www.ozpolitic.com/forum/YaBB.pl?num=1229682951/0#0 Quote: Dear muslim, YOU are the kuffar, YOU are the unbeliever.
You who embrace ISLAM, your own lies and deception, have become a witness against you, before God.
You muslims insist that ONLY muslims are the 'properly guided'.
Is he who is on a path of lies and deception, 'properly guided'??
"kuffar" = = "...is an Arabic word meaning.....[an unbeliever] a person....who hides, denies, or covers the truth." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuffar