True Colours wrote on Aug 3
rd, 2013 at 9:42pm:
I was born here, get your facts right.
True Colours wrote on Aug 3
rd, 2013 at 9:42pm:
LOL. And where did you and your parents come from?
The egalitarian society of Australia?
'Egalitarian' ~ my arse! You read that off a bumper sticker, didn't you?
![Grin Grin](
If you want justice, you have to pay a king's ransom for a top barrister.
Our political parties are morally and politically compromised by people and organisations that pay massive contribution funds to the electoral campaigns.
Medical care depends on the affordability of Private Medical Insurance.
A full third of the workforce is on Casual Work conditions ~ with no option for a mortgage.
'Egalitarian' ~ my arse. My Italian landlord of 15 years made very certain to employ only Italians for any jobs needing done.
Thousands of shops throughout Australia employ only Greeks, Italians, or Arabs, depending upon who owns the shop.
'Egalitarian' ~ my sainted aunt!
There are Chinese-Australian factories in the Sydney area who advertise 'Must be able to speak Cantonese/Mandarin'.
True Colours wrote on Aug 3
rd, 2013 at 9:42pm:
Or the land of sycophancy
Which country still bows the knee to the English royals after more than 200 years?
True Colours wrote on Aug 3
rd, 2013 at 9:42pm:
and class systems that is the UK?
Which country trots it's new parliamentarians before the Governor-General to get his/her blessings on behalf of the queen of England?
True Colours wrote on Aug 3
rd, 2013 at 9:42pm:
I am sick of foreigners like you, Gillard, and Abbott coming to my country and telling us how to behave.
Fair enough. I'll keep quiet then. You only had to ask politely. Sheesh.
True Colours wrote on Aug 3
rd, 2013 at 9:42pm:
Commoners like you weren't even allowed to vote in the UK 100 years ago.
Damn good job, too. There's nothing worse than the 'donkey vote' to screw up a country.
True Colours wrote on Aug 3
rd, 2013 at 9:42pm:
That's rich coming from someone who hails from the place where they tried to colonise the whole world
That's rich coming from a Muslim whose religion was forced upon independent nations at the point of a scimitar... and was only stopped at the gates of Vienna.
And what are you doing here in Australia as a willing receiver of stolen goods? By not returning to your parent's original homeland you are voting with your feet to partake in the spoils of Britain's looting of this country.
Have you paid any aborigines for the land your house is built on? No? Why not? Why shouldn't you pay them compensation for being a willing partner in the theft of their land?
Glass houses.
True Colours wrote on Aug 3
rd, 2013 at 9:42pm:
- the same place where they came from to wipe out the Aborigines of this land.
Read the book '1788' by David Hill. Also read anything by Keith Windschuttle. Only 30 years after the first arrival of the Brits ~ Englishmen were being hanged for killing aborigines. Compare this to what the Spanish did in South America.
Compare this to any of the dozen or so Western colonial powers. Hang one of their own for killing one of the local savages? And pigs would fly first.
Lord Herbert wrote on Aug 3
rd, 2013 at 4:38pm:
You cannot be trusted.
True Colours wrote on Aug 3
rd, 2013 at 9:42pm:
and you can?
So, we both can't be trusted?
Lord Herbert wrote on Aug 3
rd, 2013 at 4:38pm:
You can't serve two masters ~ Islam, and Australia's Western values of personal freedom and democracy.
True Colours wrote on Aug 3
rd, 2013 at 9:42pm:
Or John Howard who put the interests of the US before Australia's - starting wars that have cost the lives of over 100 Australians.
It was insurance for the US's continued protection against invasion from the north.
True Colours wrote on Aug 3
rd, 2013 at 9:42pm:
Perhaps you mean the thousands of Australians who put the interests of Israel fist and go off to get Israeli passports and join the Israeli army.
It's what every able-bodied Australian male did in several world wars. You help the Good Guys against the Bad Guys.
True Colours wrote on Aug 3
rd, 2013 at 9:42pm:
My master is God. I would trust a man who's master is God before someone with any earthly master.
Aaaaah, and now we come to the crux of it. Your primary loyalties rest with those of the Ummah, and not with the Australian
Your politics is that of the Middle East, and not that of Australia and her Western allies.
Your law is Sharia, and not that of Australia's secular laws.
Sad to say, but I would have you quietly deported back to your ancestral homeland. If you are so enamored with Islam and Islamic societies around the world ~ then Australia is not for you.