True Colours wrote on Aug 6
th, 2013 at 11:09am:
Yadda wrote on Aug 6
th, 2013 at 10:39am:
ISLAMIC law allows the rape of sex slaves.
Please just bring one verse from the Quran or a hadeeth that backs that claim up and we will know that you are not a liar.
Your persistent denials and your persistent refusal to acknowledge
that ISLAM gives moslem men a 'licence' to 'legally' rape women [women who are not moslems], does not negate what is apparent and true, to all rational persons;
I am happy for the persons who frequent these pages, on this forum, to judge between;
1/ your lies and denials,
2/ and the evidence i provide, to support my argument that 'ISLAM' is a criminal organisation, and that 'being' a moslem involves embracing a compact among a group of people [bound together by 'culture'] intent on committing violent criminal acts [by our laws] against those who do not belong to their 'camp'/culture.
Yadda wrote on Sep 1
st, 2009 at 9:16am:
FROM THE HADITH....."We went out with Allah's Messenger"
= =
Mohammed was in the company of these men.
"on the expedition to the Bi'l-Mustaliq and took captive some excellent Arab women"
= = describing some form of raiding party, where Mohammed, and his men, 'took captive some excellent Arab women'.
"and we desired them"
= = hmmmm, i wonder what this means?
"for we were suffering from the absence of our wives"
= = ah, in the absence they wives, they desired these women for sex, to satisfy their sexual lust. This sounds like fornication to me. So why weren't Mohammed and his men stoned to death???
"(but at the same time) we also desired ransom for them."
= = in their minds, their moslem captors sought to sexually 'use', and shame, these captive Arab women, and then let their menfolk redeem them. How honourable of these moslem men. /sarc off
"So we decided to have sexual intercourse with them"
= = yep, Allah's finest, sought to sexually 'use' these 'excellent' captive Arab women.
FROM THE HADITH, END.These [above] Hadith verses are cited, with references, here [in another thread],
Bikeway rapist gets 25 years in jail Q.
Which women does Allah allow moslem men
to 'freely' have sex with ?
and females slaves [i.e. captives,
war booty].
"..Also (prohibited are) women already married,
except those whom your right hands possess:..."
Koran 4.22-24
"O Prophet! We have made lawful to thee thy wives to whom thou hast paid their dowers;
and those whom thy right hand possesses out of the prisoners of war whom Allah has assigned to thee;..."
Koran 33.50
she "had no right to say no", "She was not covering her face or wearing any headscarf"Google;
Bilal rape victim was "aussie slut"Google;
rape jihadi
IMAGE source..... links;