Baronvonrort wrote on Aug 28
th, 2013 at 6:40pm:
wally1 wrote on Aug 28
th, 2013 at 6:24pm:
With the advancement of technology, DNA, cameras, photos etc, there are other ways to get evidence now.
1400 years ago you would of needed witnesses because that was the only proof and testimony somebody could rely on. Nobody would like a accusation or false testimony put on them.
So if a muslim man comes home and finds his wife banging another guy, he doesn't have to go into the street and find three witnesses, he could for example use his phone to take photos or take a camera and use that as evidence. Then if the guy wants to divorce his wife cause of her evil then he is entitled you.
It goes also with the muslim women.If she come home and finds her man banging another chick, she can take photos and that is proof enough.
Under Allah's laws for proof of zina-
Quote:According to Islamic shariah, zina can only be proven by clear evidence,namely the testimoney of four trustworthy and sound witnesses (muslims) who saw it actually happen, or by confession of guilt,or by the woman becoming pregnant.
It cannot be proven by DNA testing or by use of cameras and videos in place of the things mentioned above.
And Allah knows best
Islamic sourceurl]
It is not a crime for a muslim man to bang a non muslim woman outside of marriage,he could even claim it is a temporary marriage which is allowed, the shia call it
nikah mutah which the sunni disagree with so they call their version of temporary marriage
nikah misyar.
Are you a muslim Wally?
With the advancement of technology, there is no reason why people cant use them to there advantage or to use in there daily lives.
Just because people 1400 years ago used camels to get around, there is no problem using cars for example to get around these days.
And I here a lot of 4 witnesses in islam, but these two hadith mentions no evidence of a testimony of 4 witnesses.
During the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad, a rapist was punished based on only the testimony of the victim. Wa'il ibn Hujr reported that a womam publicly identified a man who had raped her. The people caught the man and brought him to the Prophet Muhammad. He told the woman to go, that she was not to be blamed, and ordered that the man be put to death.
In another case, a woman brought her infant to the mosque and publicly spoke about the rape that had resulted in her pregnancy. When confronted, the accused admitted the crime to the Caliph Umar who ordered his punishment. The woman was not punished.
I have studied comparative religion.