True Colours wrote on Aug 29
th, 2013 at 11:35pm:
How does that 23 compare to the 10,000 Catholic members of the IRA in the UK who killed 1800 people - 800 of them civilians?
Now you're resorting to false analogies again.
The Irish were terrorists on behalf of unifying Ireland by getting the British out of its 6 northern provinces.
Our 23 'Australian' terrorists were planning mass-murder on behalf of .... ?
Their Australian homeland?
Their country-of-origin?
It was none of the above.
I think it's an unbelievable obscenity that these 23 'Australian' traitors who actively planned to kill Australians, were not sentenced to a military firing squad.
I was alive during WWII ~ and I find it bizarre and disgusting that so many good people gave their lives not knowing that their sacrifices would eventually see pathetic and feeble laws allowing the worst of their country's enemies being given only custodial sentences WITH parole, instead of a firing squad.
I personally sh*t on the politicians, the judiciary, the law-makers, and the Leftwing academics whose limp-wristed ideology has allowed 23 smirking 'Australians' to troop off to jail with not a worry in the world but the comfort of knowing they'll eventually be released back onto the streets with plenty of good living time remaining to them.
True Colours wrote on Aug 29
th, 2013 at 11:35pm:
In the 1980's an Irish catholic citizen of the UK was something like 50 times more likely to be a terrorist than today's Australian Muslim.
See the above. Look at a map of Ireland, and ask yourself if it's not too unreasonable for the Irish to want British colonialism out of the northern provinces.
Several years ago during the height of The Troubles in Northern Ireland, a poll was taken in Britain.
83% of the ordinary English citizens polled as being in sympathy with the Irish wanting to reclaim the whole of the geographic island for themselves.
True Colours wrote on Aug 29
th, 2013 at 11:35pm:
You are talking about a tiny insignificant fringe - something like 0.01% of Muslims in Australia.
I wish that were so, but polling in the UK reveals time and again that around 30% of the Muslim population agree with violence on behalf of Islam.
Only just this last week we saw (quote) "Hundreds" on the streets of Sydney angrily protesting that mentalities like our 23 in jail were evicted from government in Egypt.
What would this suggest if not that these 'hundreds' are sympathetic to the 23 now languishing our jails?
True Colours wrote on Aug 29
th, 2013 at 11:35pm:
Do you judge a community by the 0.01% ...
When the source and the authority for these intended violent actions are shared by the entire Muslim community ~ then it's a no-brainer that our entire Muslim community should be interned as possible 5th columnists if a war should break out between us and Islamic Indonesia.
Muslims cannot be trusted with our safety. The Brits know this only too well.
And with this 23 in jail, we now know it too.
I've suggested it before: You Muslims must swear allegiance to a different kind of Islam ~ an updated and upgraded Islam that is compatible with Western concepts of secularism in which religion is relegated to the occasional ceremony.
True Colours wrote on Aug 29
th, 2013 at 11:35pm:
You thrive on fear and hate Herbert. You are the threat to Australia.
Everything I say is linked to news items from across the world which give warning of what is yet to come.
I am living in a country of my own generational people whose hard-won heritage goes back centuries.
You, on the other hand, are a recent arrival from a cultural background vastly different to that of my own, and whose beliefs and social values are inimical and hostile to those of my people.
That you disagree with what I say, is evidence in itself that you have no loyalty for protecting Christian Australia against the incursions of Islam and your fellow Muslims.
True Colours wrote on Aug 29
th, 2013 at 11:35pm:
Herbert what happens to your selective fear and hatred when it comes to the actual terror attacks and mass murders that were carried out in this country by Anglo-Saxons and Christians which I posted about earlier?
But we're not discussing history, are we? And within 40 years of the Brits first landing in Australia they were being hanged by the authorities for killing Abos. Tell me of any other colonial power that had the death penalty for killing a native?
We're talking about the present day, not history.