freediver wrote on Apr 26
th, 2013 at 7:39am:
It seems like a break from the usual MO, given the low number of deaths. Does that mean the war on terror is working?
Not at all.
Every arrest, every aborted bombing attempt stiffens their resolve to conduct violent jihad against the West.
Previously it was foreigners doing the killings of Western civilians, but now it's home-born, or immigrant Muslims trying their hand at mass-murder.
Part of this increase in home-grown jihadists has been due to the encouragement they've received through witnessing the pathetically lenient and weak response from Western authorities to who they are.
Known terrorists are not deported from the UK for fear their 'human rights' might be violated if they were to be returned to their country of origin.
Extradition orders from the US to Britain to have suspected terrorists returned to them for trial is resisted vigorously by the British legal system. It took America 8 full years to get one known terrorist to be finally shipped over to them from the UK to stand trial.
Known radical imams have been allowed to preach their anti-Western hate messages for years throughout Britain.
There is a huge industry in Britain that revolves around defending, excusing, and mitigating the guilt of Muslims and Islam. No guts, no balls.
7/7 was not so much a Muslim atrocity as it was the result of Britain's political class being dominated by politically correct pussies, traitorous multiculturalism enthusiasts, and a self-defeating non-discriminatory immigration policy.