Budget week no-confidence motion holds key to Tony Abbott's early election plan
Phillip Hudson
Herald Sun
April 25, 2013
Opposition Leader Tony Abbott intends to put a no-confidence motion when Parliament resumes for the Budget session.
IF Tony Abbott succeeds with his proposed no-confidence motion against the Gillard Government, the election could be on August 3, not September 14.
There has never been a successful vote of no-confidence against a government in the House of Representatives and it will be extremely difficult for Mr Abbott to get enough support from the cross-bench.
But if it did happen, and if Mr Abbott were invited by Governor-General Quentin Bryce to form a government, his first act would be to immediately ask for an August 3 election and cast himself as "caretaker PM".
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He intends to put a no-confidence motion on the notice paper in mid-May when Parliament resumes for the Budget session. It could take up to 10 days, depending on the day he lodges.
Independent MP Rob Oakeshott told the Herald Sun such an important issue must not be allowed to sit on the notice paper.
He would immediately seek to bring on the debate, which carried a risk for the Opposition Leader as it could overshadow his formal reply to the Budget.
"I will bring it on," Mr Oakeshott said.
"If they are going to put it on the notice paper, it is important we deal with it as a matter of priority and urgency. It is disrespectful to Parliament to allow something of this significance to linger for a week."
Mr Oakeshott said while he and fellow independent Tony Windsor had a written agreement to support Julia Gillard on matters of confidence and supply, he had not decided how he would vote.
"I will listen to the debate and participate," he said. "What are the reasons? Tony Abbott wants to have more detail than three-word slogans.
"The Labor Party is unstable but the Liberal National Party has spent three years destabilising."
If a no-confidence motion succeeded it would be unchartered political territory that would also put the spotlight on the role and powers of the Governor-General in a way not seen since the Dismissal of the Whitlam government in 1975.
The PM could advise Ms Bryce to call an election or recommend another MP be given the chance to form government.
August 3 is the first possible date for a normal House and half-Senate election but there would be no restriction on a House-only election in June or July.
Read more: http://www.news.com.au/national-news/budget-week-no-confidence-motion-holds-key-to-tony-abbotts-early-election-plan/story-fncynjr2-1226629557039#ixzz2RW9P8gGe