Welfare sector to enlist human rights bodies on Newstart
From: The Australian
April 29, 2013
THE welfare sector will today discuss applying pressure on the Gillard Government to increase Newstart via international human rights bodies.
At a Public Seminar to be held in Sydney, human rights experts will discuss international action to place pressure on the Australian parliament to increase the single rate of Newstart and other allowances.
The forum will hear that Newstart hasn't been increased in nearly 20 years and simply is not keeping up with community cost of living, especially rental prices.
ACOSS CEO Dr Cassandra Goldie said there was widespread concern, nationally and internationally about the "unbearable low" rate of Newstart, including from the OECD, the UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights, three Australian Parliamentary Committees, numerous reports from leading welfare agencies and academics, and leading business groups, including most recently the President of the Business Council of Australia Tony Shepherd at his recent National Press Club speech.
"With more single parents and more people with disability being forced onto Newstart as a result of social security changes, the case for an increase is compelling," Dr Goldie said.
"At just $35 a day, people cannot survive on Newstart with any dignity, including being able to afford a roof over their head. An increase in Newstart is a vital investment in supporting people back into paid work."