polite_gandalf wrote on May 5
th, 2013 at 8:33am:
There is clearly no point continuing this debate Chard when you choose to reduce your argument to hurling abuse at everyone.
Then maybe try not being dishonest when arguing with me. So far all I'm seeing is you endlessly repeating that a manufacturer is somehow responsible not only when you use their products in an unsafe manner, but they should magically know who will use their procts safely before their product is even purchased. For example, this nxt bit of stupidity...
Quote:I'll just sign off by reaffirming my main point that I think its a bad idea - and yes irrespsonsible for a company to market and sell weapons for young children who have neither the mental nor physical strength to operate such weapons safely.
Right here is a perfect example of you making a dishonest argument.
They're not marketing or selling them to young children. They're marketing them to parents who want to teach their children marksmanship, and offer a rifle sized such that a child can operate it, and the manufacturer warns that it's not a toy and requires afult sipervision. The kind of parent that would buy this product is also likely to be an experience shooter themselves, which means they should be familiar with the four laws of gun safety. You say it's unsafe for a child to learn to shoot and then ignore that thousands of parents teach their children to shoot without incident.
Stephanie Sparks is the one that considered a rifle a childs toy, despite a manufacturer warning to the contrary. Stephanie Sparks also failed to make sure the rifle wasn't loaded (first law of gun safety is all guns are always loaded). Stephanie Sparks then left her choldren unattended violating manufacturers warning calling for adult supervision.
The manufacturer did everything they are legally responsible for. Stephanie Sparks did everything she was legally not supposed to do. Your continued insistence that Cricket is at all responsible flies in the face of US Law, basic fidearms safety protocol, and firearms death statistics that all say you are wrong, and you continuing to ignore that is the greatest bit of dishonesty you've displayed.
So pardon the bugger out of me for taking offense when someone continues to be a dishonest prick to me. You want reasonable then you can goddamn well be reasonable yourself and cease being intellectually dishonest.