Grey wrote on May 9
th, 2013 at 12:58pm:
... wrote on May 9
th, 2013 at 8:30am:
We don't need to do anything. Nature has thousands of ways to weed out the crap, and it acts without fear or favour to maximise the fitness of the species. We've held it bay for a while with technology, but the dam wall is starting to crumble.
I couldn't agree more. It amazes me you've lasted this long.
I've noticed over the last couple of days you've been seeking out my posts, but have dropped all pretences about argument, in favour of snark - a tactic usually employed by women, but also men controlled by their emotions. Why do you think I elicit such a strong emotional response in you grey? I certainly have my theory, but it'd amuse me to hear you rationalize it.
Awwwwwwww did I hurt your feelings diddums? For somebody who dishes it out you sure seem sensitive. Here's your last few posts leaving aside the one I commented on above.
Marriage should be between a man and a woman.
I got that from your previous post. The purpose of the "so" was to get you to expand on the implications. Otherwise I can only surmise that you don't think any standards should exist because there may be a small number of unfortunate exceptions. You don't believe that do you.? I mean, think what would happen if the same principle were applied to killing. No killer would face rebuke, because occasionally it may be justfied.
Leave them to endure the consequences of their choices, without the luxury of teh govvament playing the role of father.
The difference being that the community/tribe was a collection of clans, numbering a coupla hundred people tops. Not millions, or even billions.
Australian gun laws on....
Look Spot! The man who shot ya pa! (with picture)
In praise of older women (started by me
I don't think young men hooking up with older women is unusual. A young man of say, 20 hasn't yet reached his peak, while a woman of say, 45 reached hers long ago and is on the decline. Regardless of their past, their current sexual value is about equal.
Q & A
Fair enough that they question it, but I suspect they're just not hearing the justification or counter argument. They say they're encouraged to "question everything" and "think for themselves" which would be great, if it were true.
So your allegation that I'm stalking you is entirely baseless, because I didn't comment on any of them.
'So' - doesn't sound like a rational argument to me. Neither did your 'snark' to spot. If you don't want me to pull your chain don't leave me such a bloody obvious one to pull.
Sure I think you're a wanker, so I reserve the right to comment if I see any more of your inanities lying around. But don't fret, I don't go looking for them, 'heaven forbid'