Makka wrote on May 18
th, 2013 at 6:36pm:
Shorten says Abbott is cutting Super "to the bone"
Delaying an increase from 9% to 12% means "cutting to the bone"???
MUMS working part-time would be among the hardest hit by Tony Abbott's plan to scrap a superannuation tax cut for 3.6 million people.
About 910,000 Victorians would suffer a hit to their retirement nest eggs under a Coalition plan to axe a $500 tax cut because it was part of the mining tax package, which it's promised to scrap.
The Federal Government axed a 15 per cent contributions tax on super for those earning up to $37,000.
Two-thirds of those who would be affected by the Coalition policy are women.
Superannuation Minister Bill Shorten said some of the lowest-paid workers, such as carers, cleaners and shop assistants, and many mums working jobs part-time, would be among the 30 per cent of workers affected.