Soren wrote on Jun 6
th, 2013 at 9:57pm:
Gay marriage is like me demanding admission to the lesbian convention on the grounds that I am a lesbian trapped in a man's body.
Ridiculous. Preposterous. Marriage equality is the stupidest smacking nonsense.
But it is also sinister.
Imagine if I demanded to be allowed to enter a float in the next Mardi Gras with the theme of 'Gay men are vagina-phobes. Down with vagina-phobia! Down with misogynist vagina denialists!!
Or "Lesbians are phallo-phobes, down with phallo-phobic discrimination!!"
That's how stupid gay 'marriage' is. If it's OK for two blokes to 'marry' - what is it NOT OK to marry?
Once gay marriage is OK, who says where the limit is? Pony? Cat (hello, SOB)? Dog? Pet rock? 500 pet rocks. 200 cats? 200 blokes and 200 lasses?
If this perversity and aberration is OK, which perversity and aberration is NOT OK? On what grounds can you exclude any other perverts from 'marrying' their particular arsehole object of fixation??
The only good thing about the gay marriage idea is that it causes the old boys an enormous amount of beard-tugging anxiety.
What a pointless debate. No one on any side has any good arguments. It's all a lot of hot air, signifying nothing.
Tomorrow, and tomorrow and tomorrow.
Old boy, you win the prize for the most het-up pointless denier and defender in this thread. You've completely forgotten what you're defending.
Good work.
I guess that's the essence of what old boy's do - argue about things they've forgotten why they're arguing.
Yes friends, first prize goes to the old boy. A bowl of stool will be sent in the mail - a treat!
Keep up the good work, old chap.