quote taken from honky's gay role model Karnal.
Choice fits in when people experiment and try new things.
Usually honky, except perhaps for you and your 5 year old exploits... sex raises its head around puberty, that is when we are exposed as it were to more and more stimuli and relationships of the physical kind usually start... usually in small increments BTW. The vast majority of people stick to the learned and socially "acceptable" hetero norm
Bobbie, for example, was once a devout virgin prude.
ta daaaaa...
But before long, he decided to give it a go and made the plunge.
He's not cured yet, but he's exploring his sexuality and discovering untold new pleasures.
Oh my god! Could it be? His sexuality is being formed from experience... his preferences are going to depend on what he chooses because of his experiences?
He realises now that people are born bi-curious.
Hmm born bi-curious? Doubt it. Lets leave the babies out of it. I doubt they have any sexual curiosity. Puberty hormones and all that... also I'd think people just grow up and become SEXUALLY CURIOUS.
Rather than being stuck in a rut, performing the same tired actions day after day after day, Bobbie chooses to renew himself each and every day.
People are not heteronormative by nature, they're polymorphous.
Is this your gay icon telling you people are not born gay or straight? Could it be? Damn would a gay person say they actually chose to be sexually active in the way they prefer through experience?
I can give you some good readings from the faculty, Honky, if you'd like to join the club.