Grendel wrote on Jun 5
th, 2013 at 5:10pm:
Giving you one last chance to have a think about your questions before I CHOOSE to answer them and make you look sillier than you already do.
Why should I think about my questions - you haven't answered them as yet.
By attacking me - yet again - your showing you either can't answer these questions, don't like the answers or simply don't want to answer.
I'm not the one who looks silly.
It appears that those against don't like it when you ask them why they are against it.
They don't seem to want to provide evidence to back up their positions - after all they are in the majority (apparently) and it should be fairly easy to come up with some compelling evidence.
You can attack me all you want, I'm not the one who looks silly because I don't have anything to support my position.
You say I am creating a strawman argument, yet those against bring up things like:
Marrying a chair
Having children
The sanctity of marriage
Yet when pressed for evidence based on their position - they attack the other side and bring up immorality, the gay agenda and how allowing 2 consenting adults to have formal relationship recognition will some how be the downfall of society.
If this was really about the sanctity of marriage divorce would be illegal.
If this was really about tradition, women would still be owned by men.
If the bible really was a foundation for our laws you could stone people who worked on sunday and non virgins.
Of course divorce is legal and we don't stone anyone.
The bible is the basis for a religion - it isn't the basis for our legal system and our society has since moved past it with less people being religious.
Being gay isn't about having anal sex either - straight couples engage in this practice as well - does this mean we should deny them the right to marry?