See all those boatloads of Muslims landing up north? That's your, mine, our future right there.
Can't wait for September, even then, we've got tens of thousands of the bastards, living here, sponging off us.
_______________ smuggler says he was AFP informant
May 15, 2013
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Karlis Salna, AAP South-East Asia Correspondent
Authorities in Australia have refused to confirm or deny claims by alleged people-smuggling kingpin Sayed Abbas that he was recruited by police to help end efforts to send asylum seekers to Christmas Island.
Abbas, believed to have been one of the most active people smugglers operating out of Indonesia in recent years, is wanted in Australia to face 27 charges related to three boats intercepted en route to Christmas Island between 2009 and 2011.
He is suspected of sending many more boats to Australia, including one which sank in December 2011, leaving 200 people dead.
But the 30-year-old claimed on Wednesday as he faced court in Jakarta that he was recruited by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) five years ago, before being later abandoned by his handlers despite helping them disrupt other people smuggling operations.
He said he was first recruited following a meeting with AFP officers at the Australian Embassy in Jakarta in 2008.
The Afghan-born Abbas claims to have subsequently met with two AFP operatives named "Lisa" and "Nicky", and to have provided details about another alleged people smuggler, Amanullah Rezaie, who is also wanted by Australian authorities.
Abbas said he also told AFP officers about a plan by the people smuggler Haji Sakih to send asylum seekers to Australia, which led to the interception of a vessel as it left eastern Indonesia in 2008.
He claims a senior AFP officer also offered to help resettle him if he provided information on people smuggling syndicates operating in Indonesia.
AFP running people smugglers
so ask your government why
be at peace