I've already stated what i think, should be done......
WHAT SHOULD BE THE RESPONSE OF NON-MOSLEM COMMUNITIES [to moslem lawlessness] ?IMO, our broader societies and our individual communities [in the 'West'], are rapidly descending into open lawlessness and open violence.
[And imo, moslem immigration [into Western nations] is just exasperating that situation.]
Is that characterisation of our society [i.e. the descending into open lawlessness] an exaggeration ?
And if that characterisation is accurate, what can be done, if anything ?
IF WE WANT PEACE [in our communities], then we [as individuals] must be willing to choose >> to separate ourselves << from those who choose to embrace LAWLESSNESS.The popular argument about a 'cultural' clash, is >> NOT << about those people being from a different race, or about those people being from a different culture.
And this argument is not about 'racism'.
But this argument >>is << about LAWLESSNESS, and whether we choose to now accept a 'culture' of LAWLESSNESS, among us.
And it is about whether we now choose to accept a 'culture' of LAWLESSNESS being >> imposed << upon us.
This argument >> is << about people from a different race or from a different culture, making a conscious choice to reject the mores and laws of this, our [host] culture.
[e.g. The choice, by immigrants, of coming to our country, and societies, and yet refusing to accept and embrace the mores and laws of our culture, and societies.]
[And by the way, i also acknowledge, that today there is a culture of lawlessness that is found among some [many?] Anglo and European 'Aussies'.]
IMO, the widespread embrace [and 'tolerance'] of LAWLESSNESS by the members of a society, will [morally] weaken and eventually destroy a culture/society.
So, what should be the response of non-moslem communities [to moslem lawlessness] ?
If we 'gift' freedom to moslems, moslems will abuse the freedoms that we gift to them.
And moslems will not abandon their culture [of lawlessness, towards 'disbelievers'].
So, again;
IF WE WANT PEACE [in our communities], then we [as individuals] must be willing to choose >> to separate ourselves << from those who choose to embrace LAWLESSNESS - whether they be moslems, or they be any other group or individual.+++
"When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it."
Frederic Bastiat
"If you want to know a man's character, give him power."
Abraham Lincoln
Political power in the hands of man, can be used for good, or, for evil.
When somewhere in the world, a moslem authority [n.b. an ISLAMIC inspired authority] gains power, what do
they moslems invariably do with that power ???