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Muslim men hack British soldier to death in London (Read 57949 times)
red baron
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Re: Muslim men hack British soldier to death in London
Reply #15 - May 23rd, 2013 at 9:30am
See all those boatloads of Muslims landing up north? That's your, mine, our future right there.

Can't wait for September, even then, we've got tens of thousands of the bastards, living here, sponging off us.

God knows how many of those are carrying a grudge against us white dickheads.

Dickheads because we a re f....g our country over for future generations by letting them invade the bloody place...thanks Labor..thanks Juliar.
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Re: Muslim men hack British soldier to death in London
Reply #16 - May 23rd, 2013 at 9:32am
it_is_the_light wrote on May 23rd, 2013 at 9:24am:
aquascoot wrote on May 23rd, 2013 at 9:18am:
i think its important for moderate muslims to now stand up and be counted.

moderate muslims need to form vigilante groups and hunt scum like this down.
moderate muslims need to behead a few of these psycho muslims to show the rest of the world that they are as repulsed by this as everyone else.

if moderate muslims fail to act without mercy aginst these types of people (and lets face it moderate muslims would have a better idea of who is a radical extremist than other secularists)  than moderate muslims will bear the consequences.

you sound like an extremist

the very thing you hate...

curious to see this here and now.

i do not hate yet send LOVE and LIGHT for

an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind

you are forgiven for hate speech


Agh light.  if love would work , this is what i would recommend.    but it would do a jew in aushwitz little good to love the nazis.
there is always a time to fight fire with fire and cease pussy footing around.

though pussy footing around is undoubtedly what the softc#cks in london will do.  Wink
this will not help.
a small % of the population , maybe .001 %  have to be intimidated with overwhelming force.
and its important this movement to erradication is led by the moderate muslim leaders themselves.

this is a win/ win.  a win for muslims and a win for society.  even if they dont proceed, the leaders of the mosques in england need to call for total war. if not, they should be deported.
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Christ Light

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Re: Muslim men hack British soldier to death in London
Reply #17 - May 23rd, 2013 at 9:39am
" moderate muslims need to form vigilante groups and hunt scum like this down.
moderate muslims need to behead a few of these psycho muslims "

id aquascoot

do you withdraw this statement?

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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Muslim men hack British soldier to death in London
Reply #18 - May 23rd, 2013 at 9:44am
but it would do a jew in aushwitz little good to love the nazis.


is this what society is doing?

allowing government and military industrial complex

to invade lands and david cameron even

selling weapons and missiles all throughout

saudi arabia and the middle east for that is whats

been happening in the past few years as well as

invasions of sovereign countries

this is blowback from government foreign policy

yet everyones watching footy and thinking

of the good ole days like kingswood country..

while the fox raids the hen house...

all that is in separation goes back to source

in these now moments

so be at peace as you are indeed



- : )
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Muslim men hack British soldier to death in London
Reply #19 - May 23rd, 2013 at 9:49am
See all those boatloads of Muslims landing up north? That's your, mine, our future right there.

Can't wait for September, even then, we've got tens of thousands of the bastards, living here, sponging off us.


Alleged smuggler says he was AFP informant
May 15, 2013
Read later
Karlis Salna, AAP South-East Asia Correspondent

Authorities in Australia have refused to confirm or deny claims by alleged people-smuggling kingpin Sayed Abbas that he was recruited by police to help end efforts to send asylum seekers to Christmas Island.

Abbas, believed to have been one of the most active people smugglers operating out of Indonesia in recent years, is wanted in Australia to face 27 charges related to three boats intercepted en route to Christmas Island between 2009 and 2011.

He is suspected of sending many more boats to Australia, including one which sank in December 2011, leaving 200 people dead.

But the 30-year-old claimed on Wednesday as he faced court in Jakarta that he was recruited by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) five years ago, before being later abandoned by his handlers despite helping them disrupt other people smuggling operations.

He said he was first recruited following a meeting with AFP officers at the Australian Embassy in Jakarta in 2008.

The Afghan-born Abbas claims to have subsequently met with two AFP operatives named "Lisa" and "Nicky", and to have provided details about another alleged people smuggler, Amanullah Rezaie, who is also wanted by Australian authorities.

Abbas said he also told AFP officers about a plan by the people smuggler Haji Sakih to send asylum seekers to Australia, which led to the interception of a vessel as it left eastern Indonesia in 2008.

He claims a senior AFP officer also offered to help resettle him if he provided information on people smuggling syndicates operating in Indonesia.


AFP running people smugglers

so ask your government why

be at peace

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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Posts: 6217
Re: Muslim men hack British soldier to death in London
Reply #20 - May 23rd, 2013 at 9:55am
Multiculturalism has done nothing but make the white man a stranger in his own country.

The white person is the only one not allowed to utter the word "our" unless it includes every other race in this country that some of our relatives have died for.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Muslim men hack British soldier to death in London
Reply #21 - May 23rd, 2013 at 9:56am
it_is_the_light wrote on May 23rd, 2013 at 9:39am:
" moderate muslims need to form vigilante groups and hunt scum like this down.
moderate muslims need to behead a few of these psycho muslims "

id aquascoot

do you withdraw this statement?


i will rephrase

moderate muslims should go on television and state that they totally understand that this is what the public feel is nesseccary and that they want all extremist muslims and imans deported from the united kingdom. they need to sell a few mosques(preferably radical ones) and set up a trust fund with maybe a few million pounds in it to be named after the beheaded soldier and to be used to , say, fund "victims of islamic terrorism'

i could go on but they need to own the problem,  just like the germans in 1945. they need to parade the members of mosques past the guys body so they can look with horror on what has been done in the name of allah.  its not good enough for some half arsed statement saying "islam is a peaceful religion" when clearly this is not the case.  again, the muslims need to do this themselves to show they are stand up guys.
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Anti-Global & Contra Mundum

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Re: Muslim men hack British soldier to death in London
Reply #22 - May 23rd, 2013 at 11:23am
I'm sick of warning about what's coming.
It's a wonder old Winnie didn't get sick of warning about Hitler for years with nobody listening.
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Know the enemies of a civil society by their public behaviour, by their fraudulent claim to be liberal-progressive, by their propensity to lie and, above all, by their attachment to authoritarianism.
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Postmodern Trendoid III
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Re: Muslim men hack British soldier to death in London
Reply #23 - May 23rd, 2013 at 11:34am
Some academic over at The Conversation tries every excuse in the book to avoid blaming Islam. What is heartening, though, were some of the replies to this article, which could see the through the academic tricks of obfuscation, deconstruction, Red Herrings, strawmans, and the like.

While the full details of the awful events in Woolwich remain unclear, the attack has already revived heated debates about the risk of terror at home.

When building a profile of someone who allegedly commits public acts of violence, you can look at any one of a number of factors including social and family networks, experiences at school or at work and a range of beliefs and ideologies, as we did in the case of the Boston marathon bombings last month.

But to focus on Islam as a way of pinpointing where this, or the next atrocity comes from would be a mistake.

Cross-border identities

In the aftermath of the Woolwich incident, a suspect (apparently with a London accent) speaking into a video camera, said: “in our land our women have to see the same …”

This may seem a contradiction to some viewers, but recent research has demonstrated that through the news, through kinship ties, the internet and migration, ideas are exchanged and identities constantly negotiated that transcend national borders.

In some cases, not necessarily this one, this leads to people taking on the causes of other people they have never met, and regurgitating ideologies that attract them.

This isn’t new of course – in the 1970s the Red Army Faction claimed some of its violent bombings in West Germany were carried out on behalf of the Vietnamese people. It also justified its actions from the ideas of Karl Marx. Yet none of the group had been to Vietnam and one of the principal leaders – Andreas Baader – didn’t even read Marx until after he had been imprisoned.

In Japan during the 1980s and 1990s, a religious group called Aum Shinrikyo combined elements from several religions and set itself the mission of world salvation. Increasing acts of violence culminated in the 1995 release of poisonous gas on the Tokyo underground, which killed 12 and injured 5,500.

Both these cases are instructive, not least because more recent events tend to lead to an unhelpful focus on Islam. Too often, explanations of radicalisation focus on overly-simplistic causes: for every loner who acted violently there is another terrorist who seemed socially well adjusted and connected. Similarly there are poor and rich jihadists and religious and non-religious revolutionaries.

Violent extremists have included victims of state repression and citizens of democratic societies, immigrants in hostile host countries and those from indigenous communities. The simple fact is that violent extremists are the exception to the rule and for every apparent cause of violent action there are numerous examples of people with similar ideologies, in similar circumstances, who didn’t act violently.

Causes and catalysts

This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to identify causes, motivations and catalysts for violent action. Through my research, I’ve explored how we can identify and distinguish causes of radicalisation. Motivating factors include racial or religious discrimination, and economic or social exclusion.

But the role of non-negotiable, sacred beliefs – those beliefs that are set apart from everyday ideas and practices – also appears to be central in all forms of terrorism. This might encompass places such as the National Mall in Washington DC, rituals such as the state opening of Parliament or the Olympic Games or figures such as Muhammad.

We all hold non-negotiable beliefs and commitments. Understanding what these are and how they are defended is one part of the picture in understanding how someone becomes radicalised.

The Red Army Faction (RAF) held a sense of basic injustice, that American imperialism was crushing “the people”, and had a world view that made a stark division between “them” and “us” (the American and West German governments versus the RAF and the common people). They believed violence was the only acceptable answer to Western treatment of the Vietnamese and others.

In much the same way, some supporters of al-Qaeda ideology express deep-seated feelings of injustice linked to the American invasion of Muslim lands, opposing world views represented by the West versus Islam and violent interpretations of their myths and religious teachings that mark them out from non-violent Islamists and Muslims.

We are still researching how such non-negotiable ideas provide motivation or justification for violent action. Overly simple explanations, such as the role of Islam – or of religion in general – in triggering violence, have been shown to be false.
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Luke Fowler
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Re: Muslim men hack British soldier to death in London
Reply #24 - May 23rd, 2013 at 11:56am
aquascoot wrote on May 23rd, 2013 at 9:56am:
it_is_the_light wrote on May 23rd, 2013 at 9:39am:
" moderate muslims need to form vigilante groups and hunt scum like this down.
moderate muslims need to behead a few of these psycho muslims "

id aquascoot

do you withdraw this statement?


i will rephrase

moderate muslims should go on television and state that they totally understand that this is what the public feel is nesseccary and that they want all extremist muslims and imans deported from the united kingdom. they need to sell a few mosques(preferably radical ones) and set up a trust fund with maybe a few million pounds in it to be named after the beheaded soldier and to be used to , say, fund "victims of islamic terrorism'

i could go on but they need to own the problem,  just like the germans in 1945. they need to parade the members of mosques past the guys body so they can look with horror on what has been done in the name of allah.  its not good enough for some half arsed statement saying "islam is a peaceful religion" when clearly this is not the case.  again, the muslims need to do this themselves to show they are stand up guys.

... and then take Catholics to meet the victims of sustained sexual abuse by the clergy and Baptists to the funerals of soldiers to see Fred Phelps and his merry band of f**kers in action.

You can also take people who are against abortion to meet the families of those killed on abortion clinic bombings/shootings;

or anyone that is against multiculturalism off to visit their "mate" Anders Behring Breivik;

or, you could admit that that would be a stupid thing to do because the vast majority of Catholics, Baptists and even right-to-life advocates have NOTHING to do with these atrocities, just as the vast majority of Muslims have nothing to do with the atrocity committed today.

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The only difference between me and a madman is that I am not mad. Salvador Dali
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Luke Fowler
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Australian Politics

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Re: Muslim men hack British soldier to death in London
Reply #25 - May 23rd, 2013 at 12:00pm
red baron wrote on May 23rd, 2013 at 9:30am:
See all those boatloads of Muslims landing up north? That's your, mine, our future right there.

Can't wait for September, even then, we've got tens of thousands of the bastards, living here, sponging off us.

God knows how many of those are carrying a grudge against us white dickheads.

Dickheads because we a re f....g our country over for future generations by letting them invade the bloody place...thanks Labor..thanks Juliar.

Most people wake up to this news and think. "What an awful thing that was. That poor man".

Red Baron and Honky wake aup and think. "this is great, I can really give it to the lefties and Muslims today!"

Sick feckers.
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The only difference between me and a madman is that I am not mad. Salvador Dali
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Postmodern Trendoid III
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Re: Muslim men hack British soldier to death in London
Reply #26 - May 23rd, 2013 at 12:23pm
Mr Fowler, does this atomised view also work for the British soldier in question? After all, he was killed because of the activity of other soldiers, and not necessarily his own personal actions. Perhaps you should question why the person who allegedly killed the soldier has grouped this soldier in with others and didn't think atomistically.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Muslim men hack British soldier to death in London
Reply #27 - May 23rd, 2013 at 12:38pm
In the aftermath of the Woolwich incident, a suspect (apparently with a London accent) speaking into a video camera, said: “in our land our women have to see the same …”

That's now classed as a London accent? Sure there a traces of a British accent in there, but it is hardly what most would associate with the English. I guess that is the result of what is at the heart of mass immigration. Creating a new normal.
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Re: Muslim men hack British soldier to death in London
Reply #28 - May 23rd, 2013 at 12:58pm
Luke Fowler wrote on May 23rd, 2013 at 12:00pm:
red baron wrote on May 23rd, 2013 at 9:30am:
See all those boatloads of Muslims landing up north? That's your, mine, our future right there.

Can't wait for September, even then, we've got tens of thousands of the bastards, living here, sponging off us.

God knows how many of those are carrying a grudge against us white dickheads.

Dickheads because we a re f....g our country over for future generations by letting them invade the bloody place...thanks Labor..thanks Juliar.

Most people wake up to this news and think. "What an awful thing that was. That poor man".

Red Baron and Honky wake aup and think. "this is great, I can really give it to the lefties and Muslims today!"

Sick feckers. off cnt. You make me sick.
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In the fullness of time...
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BlOoDy RiPpEr
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Re: Muslim men hack British soldier to death in London
Reply #29 - May 23rd, 2013 at 1:05pm
This just makes one stop and think, these killers passed a security check when migrating to England. And that got me thinking about our own country and the so called security checks done on those entering Australia. Some may say its only a matter of time but I would like to alert those thinking that we are well past the only a matter of time factor and such murders and crime are already happening in Australia by migration groups.
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