bambu wrote on May 26
th, 2013 at 1:58pm:
Andrei.Hicks wrote on May 26
th, 2013 at 1:47pm:
Luke Fowler wrote on May 25
th, 2013 at 2:37pm:
Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on May 25
th, 2013 at 1:17pm:
Grey wrote on May 24
th, 2013 at 9:09pm:
Oh gawd,

Look it's a tragedy but the comments on here are side splitting. Whatever madness the Nigerians have got it seems to be catching.
If it had been a white guy with any sentiments of nationalism who had done such a thing you'd be screaming "Nazi," "Nazi," "Nazi" and frothing at the mouth with moral tirades.
But because it's a Muslim and the victim was white, it's just a "tragedy".
Which community was to blame for the Breveik shooting?
We were all rightly disgusted by it , but I didn't hear any calls to expel white people from Norway.
Because white people are not late migrants to Norway.
Nobody calls for Muslim extremists to be expelled from Saudi either.
However if they come to our country, they tow the line or they bugger off.
I am no fan of the EDL and it attracts some football violence idiots out to smash up the local wetherspoons but there is a genuine belief around Britain right now that we have allowed things to get out of hand.
I'm a big fan of the EDL.
Every patriot in Britain should join the EDL, before it's too late. Minutes EDL and Oz down the Road - EDL If Brits don't soon hurry up and start coming down the road with the EDL they won't have any British 'Christian' road left for them to come down.
No I don't agree with that.
I seem to be the middle road here.
I agree with parts of your comments and also there is an element of truth in your opponent Luke's comments as well.
Essentially people do want to just get on with their lives absolutely, that's the case here in London and also in Australia as well.
That point is correct from Luke - what he does miss though is the growing animosity of everyday people at the continued injustices and double standards afforded to late arrivals into this country and their appalling behaviour - of which this latest situation is an extreme example.
Everyday people in this country - be they Daily Mail readers if you like - are tired of being subjected to having to have our society changed for people who are not suited to this country.
Their laws and customs are not in tandem with ours and they do nothing but run this country down and take from our system.
Take Omar Bakri Mohammad as a prime example of that one.
It creates cretins like these two Nigerian fools who committed this recent act.
We should not tolerate it any further.
Now as regards the EDL, this is where I draw the line.
Far too often a pro-English, pro-British message is hijacked by the skinhead element just looking for a punch-on.
The EDL is not different to the BNP and/or its forerunner the National Front.
Too many of those idiots are simply looking to smash the city centre up and chuck a chair through the local wetherspoons.
They'd do it at this occasion or they'd do it at West Ham v Millwall - usually they don't have 3 brain cells to rub together so they aren't the answer.
What the country is crying out for is stern leadership.
Leadership on immigration, leadership on pulling us out of Europe, leadership on taking a stance on the continued undermining of British values and cultures.
We do not need apologists, we do not need NF louts.
We need something in between. People like where I am from, everyday middle class Britain looking to get on with our lives but in a country which does not pander to minorities.