Luke Fowler wrote on May 28
th, 2013 at 9:10pm:
[quote author=Herbert link=1369252112/360#360 date=1369738690][quote author=lefowlerau link=1369252112/352#352 date=1369726798][quote author=Herbert link=1369252112/350#350 date=1369723811]
Probably not for you or your Nazi party mates Adolf.
I abhor Nazis as much as I loath the Lefties who want to donate their own ancestral homelands to immigrant hordes who are 'proud' of maintaining a foreign identity that is 'diverse' from that of the host people.
In times past it took a lot less for someone to be shoved up against a wall and shot as a traitor.
Lord Herbert wrote on May 28
th, 2013 at 4:50pm:
You've already sprouted your support for ethnic cleansing
I would support a program of voluntary 'repatriation' of Muslims, with financial incentives. One of the European countries (Denmark?) is doing this right now.
I would stop Muslim immigration and refugees influx immediately and for the foreseeable future.
I would immediately withdraw all British and Australian troops from Muslim countries.
I would stop all Foreign Aid going to Muslim countries.
The 'Multicultural' betrayal of the host people of Britain and Australia would be wiped out overnight. In its place would be an emphasis on integration and assimilation.
If you want your Australian-born kids to think of themselves as little clones of your pre-immigration homelands ~ then an expedited program of family deportation can be arranged without cost.
Anyone found practicing Sharia Law would be summarily frog-marched onto an international airliner headed for the Middle East.
All sermons in mosques to be conducted in English for transparency.
And a lot more ...
Lord Herbert wrote on May 28
th, 2013 at 4:50pm:
and publicly attacked a British soldier merely because of his cultural background.
No. I simply made a couple of corrections to the hogwash he was trying to put over us. I'm tired of self-proclaimed foreign identities who are 'proud' of their 'diversity' ~ having their cake and eating it too.
If they want to remain hyphenated Britishers or Australians then they shouldn't get upset and go running to the Racial Vilification Board if someone should happen to tell them they are only
faux-Brits or
They can't have it both ways.
This fellow went to Afghanistan as a career-choice for bonus pay and a shortcut to rapid promotion. And God bless him, I say.
He didn't go there to ...
"Defend Britain". Give me a break. Give us ALL a break. Stop romanticising about these people and start waking up to certain of the realities.
They have no intentions of becoming 'English' or 'Australian'.
Lord Herbert wrote on May 28
th, 2013 at 4:50pm:
So yes, my grandmother outsmarted real Nazis in Poland and ate pathetic little Neo-Nazis like you for breakfast when she made it to England.
I'm glad she did. Good onya, babushka!
My aunt escaped from Stalin by going across Siberia to Harbin. Arrived in the UK in 1945 with only a little English. I lived with her for 4 years.
Lord Herbert wrote on May 28
th, 2013 at 4:50pm:
Believe me, I saw her stand up to a skin-head in Eccles one day when I was a small child. The skinhead backed down.
Skinheads and all their ilk are human trash. I would have the whole lot of them forced into the army to learn discipline, trade skills, and a decent attitude.
Lord Herbert wrote on May 28
th, 2013 at 4:50pm:
That was the day I learned you and your ilk are cowards and will never win.
That's what they said about the Brown Shirts during the 20's in Germany. My mother taught English in the German legation in Tientsin beneath a huge portrait of Hitler. She wasn't a Nazi.
The problem we have today, Luke, is that any politics that isn't a grovelling Leftwing capitulation to immigrants, Muslims, and 'Multiculturalism' is deemed to be 'Far Right' with the sound of jackboots in the background.
Have a Nice Day.