Lord Herbert wrote on Jun 9
th, 2013 at 12:36pm:
It's not just wages that are keeping some of them in Britain ~
but it's also very much the Dole that stops a lot of them 'going home'.The most dole-sucking ethnic community in the UK.... click 'Muslims and Unemployment'.
Yes ... it's the Usual Suspects.
There are many aspects to Jihad against Allah's enemies.
There is the, kill the infidels [if an opportunity presents itself] Jihad.
There is the, rape ["she had no right to say no" MSK ] Jihad.
There is the, sophistry [deceive and confuse and divide the infidels] Jihad.
There is the, hate the infidels in your heart, but smile to their faces Jihad.

"ISLAM is peace - honest!"
And there is the,
don't pay tax to the infidel state Jihad....
e.g. #1,
Quote:Inside the sect that loves terror
August 07, 2005
.....The Saviour Sect was established 10 months ago......They are so opposed to the British state that they see it as their duty to make no economic contribution to the nation. One member warned our undercover reporter against getting a job because it would be contributing to the kuffar (non-Muslim) system.
Instead, the young follower, Nasser, who receives £44 job seekers’ allowance a week, said it was permissible to “live off benefits”, just as the prophet Mohammed had lived off the state while attacking it at the same time. Even paying car insurance was seen as supporting the system. “All the (Saviour Sect) brothers drive without insurance,” he said.
http://www.ozpolitic.com/forum/YaBB.pl?num=1350297679/67#67e.g. #2,
Quote:January 7, 2003
Mufti arrested after police struggle
Police will summons the spiritual leader of Australia's Muslim community, following a struggle with a highway patrol officer in Sydney's west yesterday morning.
"The police officer, he try to do his job but not the Australian way," the Mufti said. "I think he try the Chicago way, not Australian way."
Police say the car was found to be unregistered and uninsured and a struggle followed.
http://www.ozpolitic.com/forum/YaBB.pl?num=1350297679/68#68...by the way, this 'Mufti' in this story above, is the very same "uncovered meat" Hilali.
e.g. #3,
Quote:Hardline clerics urge tax cheating
Richard Kerbaj
March 13, 2007
HARDLINE Muslim clerics are encouraging their followers to cheat the tax system because they consider paying income tax contrary to Islamic law.
[read...paying Kuffar taxes is supporting the non-ISLAMIC political system]
Muslim leaders have warned that fundamentalist imams who put sharia law ahead of Australian law are also condoning welfare fraud and the cash economy as tax-evasion methods.
Sydney-based Islamic leader Fadi Rahman told The Australian that the extremist clerics who were preaching messages against paying income taxes were also staunchly opposed to Western ideologies, including the Australian way of life.
He said he had heard hardline clerics at Friday sermons in Sydney highlight the importance of cheating the tax system.
http://www.ozpolitic.com/forum/YaBB.pl?num=1350297679/68#68e.g. #4,
Quote:Radical Imam tells Muslims in Holland not to pay taxes, to harm Dutch state
April 2, 2007
Dutch Imam Salam Urges Followers To "Harm State" Counseling "Don't Pay Taxes"
By Beila Rabinowitz and William A. Mayer
April 2, 2007 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Ahmed Salam, the radical Imam from Tilburg, Holland who outraged a significant part of the country's population in November of 2004 when he refused to shake the hand of then Dutch Minister of Immigration Rita Verdonk, on the religious grounds that he would not touch the hand of a woman, has not moderated his radical Islamist agitation.
This despite having taken a integration course paid for by the Dutch government.
In fact he is stepping up his campaign.
Salam, who only speaks Arabic though having been in the country for over 15 years, was reported by the Netherlands based Brabants Dagblad as having called upon his followers, "Do harm to the Dutch state, don't pay taxes."