Posts: 765
Re: Drug war is lost
Reply #147 - Yesterday at 12:53pm Herbert wrote on May 30th, 2013 at 12:08pm:
Emma Peel wrote on May 30th, 2013 at 12:56am:
As for Cats ?? another War lost.. to the eternal detriment of the Oz ecology.
IT is undeniable guys... your pretty pussycats are decimating native wildlife. ( They are NOT alone.. but they ARE a Plague)
Don't blame the cats ~ blame the Local City Council By-Laws, The State legislature, and the federal Parliament.
It was they who didn't think to legislate for heavy penalties against irresponsible cat owners. Even as late as the year 2013 my City Council does not require cat owners to have their males spaded.
And it has only been in the last couple of years that cat owners must have their cats micro-chipped and registered with the council.
If I was asked why there are so many suburban strays ... (that eventually drift into the wooded national parks) ... I would unhesitatingly say that it's because of the crippling fees that vets charge for even the simplest and most routine of their services.
I know from my own experience that owning even one cat is a blistering impost on one's meagre Age Pension resources.
Age Pensioners should be allowed to supplement their government benefits by blazing away in the bushlands as feral cat bounty hunters ~ (thanks for the idea, Emma).
Emma Peel wrote on May 30th, 2013 at 12:56am:
.... all domestic cats should be ... kept indoors.
And dogs, of course ... ?
Do you have any idea how many TONS of dog-poo is laid each day in Sydney's backyards, streets, and gutters ... attracting gazillions of flies in from the surrounding bushlands? And rats.
... 300 tons.
Where ... I said WHEREdo you keep YOUR dogs, Emma Peel?
Hmmm..... ?
After Emma told us to "Keep your cats inside!"
She walked her dogs to the nearest curbside,
And THAT's where several deposits were made
When we all know that kitties bury theirs without a spade ...
OK we've moved on since this post ..but seeing as this topic seems to be at a loose end...
thought I'd reply... well sort of.. bit late for in depth ...
My Dog !!
purchased from the Pound .. an older dog...
.. she sleeps on my bed.. or her own .. inside at night.. as she chooses..
I'm snoozin'.... she is very understanding..
she has a fenced acre or so to chase mayflies and butterflys, and ..
...BIRDS... LOVES chasing birds.. especially a magpie family... BUT..
she never catches them