the ATO is not a legal entity
The ATO is not a legal entity by it's own admission
The ATO is also a private, foreign owned business, hence it is called "Office", not "Department." If the ATO denies being foreign owned private business, make them sign a JP witnessed Statutory Declaration so they can perjure themselves.
Is the ATO operating legally? - http://www.itwillpass.com/tax_ato_not_legal.shtml
ATO is an Illegal Entity - http://www.itwillpass.com/tax_ato_non_legal_entity.shtml
ATO (Australian Tax Office) Is illegal By Its Own Admission - Lifting The Veil of Deception - http://www.loveforlife.com.au/node/130
High Court Transcript - Moeliker v Chapman B8/2000 (17 May 2000)
http://members.iimetro.com.au/~hubbca/tax.htmThe Principality of Range View
Is the illegal ATO above the purported law – obviously the purported Tax Commissioner thinks it is. … Another example of the tyranny in Australia.
Below: Mr S. Cantrill of the illegal ATO confirms that the ATO is not a legal entity. ………… Mr B. Bissett of the illegal ATO implies that he is not concerned that the ATO is not a legal entity ………… He totally avoided the issue that he may be liable to imprisonment for 7 years for obeying the order or ………… commands of a committee or body not legally constituted, per the Criminal Code Act 1899.
just like your birth certificate
which is separate to you the flesh and blood being
all is well,be at peace
- : )