it_is_the_light wrote on Jun 3
rd, 2013 at 8:57pm:
Nope, not one single assertion made by you has ever been correct.
you are wrong again.
After all, there WASN'T a mass decloaking of UFOS,
UFO ARMADA ↑ November 13, 2012 ↑ MEXICO.
many many others in the sidebar
there wasn't a massive earthquake when Obama landed in Africa(?),
yes there was,maybe you were watching footy
the world didn't end on October 21st 2012,
i never said this,you are confused.
shothe freemasons haven't been arrested, have,and continue to be so
documented here
Alex Jones' 'giant concentration camps' have never been seen..
Obama explains the FEMA Camps
etc etc
Point 1) glow worms on a ceiling don't count as UFOs.
Point 2) date, time and location of the 'earthquake'...(must have been a very long time ago, since I haven't watched footy since 1980.
Point 3) George Pell isn't under arrest, he's giving evidence at an enquiry, and FYI he's Catholic, which means he can't be a Free Mason ( the mason don't accept Catholics, and the Church excommunicates anyone who tries to, or manages to join a Lodge).
Point 4) So the concentration camps for the poor (99%) have magically become terrorist prisons??