Aussie wrote on Jun 3
rd, 2013 at 7:35pm:
Mr Hicks. Is that correct? You are putting poo on our blokes who fought in Vietnam?
That’s exactly what he’s doing. He reckons me and my mates - decent Aussie blokes - can’t take on a bunch of chows with sh!t-smeared bamboo spikes. And this, coming from some Starbucks-drinking, suit-off-the-rack desk-clown in San Diego.
We had sh!theads like this in Nam. The kids used to laugh at them in the street. Even the nuns knew they were a joke. Ever wonder why we lost?
Blame sh!t-stained Gomer Pile types like Andrei Hicks. Quite a few of were generals. With computers.
Us and the chinks knew exactly what they were: p!ssant Yanks who turned everything they touched to sh!t. They managed to bugger up the global financial system a few years later, but by then the jig was up.
The rest of the world’s finally cottoned on. No one listens to them anymore. The chinks have got it in the bag.
Come over to my place, Andrei. The Mrs has put the broomstick in the spare bedroom. I’ll whack on a bit of Glyde if it makes you feel any better.