Emma wrote on May 4
th, 2014 at 3:16am:
yes ..must agree that reading is a blissful escape from this best of all possible worlds.
I've read my share of 'classics'.. and these days I'm all for escapist literature.
Trouble is I can never keep up with the books, authors or series I read.
I've lost track of the books I've read. I know some people keep a diary, other's, Library borrowers , mark the book they've read .. so that they can see if they've read it before, and it's 'grade'. Never bothered myself, but now, in my dotage, I wish I had.
Will never be able to read all the books I'd like to, ..but it beats the hell out of sitting passively watching the fodder on the visual media.
Right with you on keeping track, put simply, I've given up trying, lol.
I remember those I've read more than once as a rule, and often find myself partway into a book and realising I've read it before. If I can't remember the finish I keep reading, if I can I put it aside.
I use Libraries all the time, books are far too expensive now. If I read one that has a sequel or is part of a series I only need to ask, if they can't immediately supply the other(s) they will generally get it in for me. If I like a book I'll look for others by the same author, or read the blurbs or reviews on it, they often reference other similar books that I will then look for.
I find I get absorbed into the written word far deeper than anything onscreen, and as you say, that's mostly bubble-gum for the brain anyway. Many's the time I've been lost in the pages to look up and realise I've read on into and/or beyond the night, or a decent bed-time anyway, lol. I totally avoid reading before any important event or appointment for that very reason, lol, I've made that mistake in the past and paid for it. You have NO idea how unreasonable or unforgiving your wife can be if you leave her waiting in the rain with the kids because that book was just too good to put down, lol.

(true story!)