ian wrote on Jun 14
th, 2013 at 10:30pm:
The asylum seekers are illegal immigrants. I cant dumb it down any more for you.
You can't get any dumber, is what I think you mean.
It has become quite clear now that you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
You're embarrassing yourself. Stop. It's painful to watch.
Lesson number 1, my dear boy: Asylum seekers are not "immigrants". An immigrant is someone who has been given approval to live in a foreign country. Asylum seekers are yet to have their claims assessed (thus they have no approval), so it's absolutely impossible for them to be immigrants. Thus, it is also impossible for them to be "illegal immigrants".
Lesson number 2, my dear boy: seeking asylum is not illegal.
I suggest you join another sort of forum. Maybe a macrame forum, or a forum that deals with Star Wars figurines. Something you're more suited to.
You have absolutely no idea about the complexities of immigration and humanitarian issues, so your time here is just wasted.
Have a good night, and good luck in your next venture.