Neferti wrote on Jun 12
th, 2013 at 7:20pm:
How many effing quotes do you lot need to get your message across?
Please post ONE reply not every link to every effing thing somebody else posted for the last 3 effing months!
Finger off the quote button ..... lazy leftards.
Using quotes is all about keeping context.
We are discussing here the fact that one man using a mussel used to describe a vagina in a private conversation is described by Abbott as "failiing the character test"
Yet when another man distributes a menu to dozens of people at an official LNP function describing the PM's vagina as a "big red box" - this man is deemed to be an appropriate person to represent the LNP in Parliament.
And in defence of this nonsense - we snivelling little toadies crawing out of the woodwork to offer gems of excuse making like:
Neferti wrote on Jun 12
th, 2013 at 7:20pm:
Have you ever had Kentucky Fried take-away? It comes in a Big Red Box. Nothing to do with vaginas
When people say something so stupid - it deserves to be quoted again and again. Just so that everybody can see how retarded the LNP fanboys really are.
One more time shall we?
Neferti wrote on Jun 12
th, 2013 at 7:20pm:
Have you ever had Kentucky Fried take-away? It comes in a Big Red Box. Nothing to do with vaginas