rabbitoh07 wrote on Jun 12
th, 2013 at 7:40pm:
It was a joke on a fundraiser menu, raising funds to put a man into Parliament to represent the Liberal Party. A Party led by a man who claimed that using a mussel used to describe a vagina in a private conversation as "failiing the character test", yet he is fine to have jokes about the PM's vagina freely distributed at official Party functions.
What an utter crock of sh1t.
At our company we have a load of fundraisers and large dinners for politicians/industry and their wives etc for lobbying purposes.
I would lay a load of money on our CEO never ever sighting the menu until its in front of him and he's ordering.
You're just fishing for something to hang on Abbott, because you don't like him.
Quote:A Party led by a man who has a past charge of indecent assault against him and who has 3 witlessness to him throwing a punch at a woman's head.
Factually incorrect.
There are not 3 witnesses to a punch being thrown at a woman's head.
Go back and look through it and see how many are basing on 'what they heard from a close distance away'.
By the way, can I suggest you also go away and look up the difference of being charged and being guilty.
Particularly when someone has been completely exonerated by a Magistrate who noted the 'huge conflict in the prosecution case'.
Quoting a put-up job charge - when he was cleared - particularly one 30 years old, makes you look bitter and nasty.
Nasty business, slander.
Quote:The Libs do not like being shown up as the misogynists that they are. .
Probably because they aren't. It's just a made up recent concept from the current PM who doesn't like being called to account - not because she is a woman - but because she has been a terrible, terrible leader.
Like I said something out of nothing because the Government is about to be handed its ass in September by the Australian people.
Deservedly so.