Andrei.Hicks wrote on Jun 12
th, 2013 at 9:51pm:
So of your 3 witnesses, you've got a bloke who admits he didn't see it but the woman who said he threw a punch told him.
Yes. That is correct.
He was a witness to the event , although he did not see the actual punch.
She told me that Abbott had come up to her, put his face in her face, and punched the wall on either side of her head.So, I am a witness. Her immediate complaint to me about what Abbott had just done had the absolute ring of truth about it. wrote on Jun 12
th, 2013 at 9:51pm:
And another of your witnesses is the woman herself???
Yes. Are you saying that a woman who had just had punches thrown towards her head could not have witnessed the event.
And of course there was the 3rd witness you seem to want to ignore - the one that was an EYEWITNESS to the actual punch
''I saw Abbott throw a punch at Barbara Ramjan but didn't see it land
When next I saw her, she was in an extremely shocked condition, leaning against the wall
I thought he had actually struck her, but I can see that was simply my assumptiom.
Andrei.Hicks wrote on Jun 12
th, 2013 at 9:51pm:
Like I said - there aren't three witnesses to him throwing a punch at the woman at all.
Like I said - there were 3 witlessness to him throwing a punch at a woman's head. Denying it does not make it go away.
3 witnesses with nothing to gain by making this up - against one bloke who wants to be PM and has admitted that you can not always believe what he says.
And you believe the politician.
Gullible much?
Andrei.Hicks wrote on Jun 12
th, 2013 at 9:51pm:
Can I suggest you don't go into the practice of law.
No, I wont - but I have studied law, as has obviously Mr Patch, a Barrister - you appear to be the odd one out here - can I suggest you learn what words mean before you go on the internet making an idiot of yourself? were 3 witnesses Abbott throwing a punch towards a womans head.
1. an eyewitness who saw the punch being thrown
2. a hearsay witness to the incident that is able to provide evidence of recent complaint - evidence which is admissible evidence, particularly in assault cases, and
3. the woman who actually had the punch thrown at her - who couldn't help but see it.
And this was just one incident in his past. There was also the accusations of groping (leading to an indecent assault charge), which go to explain his current sexist attitudes relating to abortion and the role of women etc. All again confirmed this week as he happily decides that his candidates that make crude sexists jokes are welcome to represent his Party in Parliament
And fan boys like you go out of your way to make up excuses for blokes like this.
Pretty pathetic.