sir prince duke alevine wrote on Jun 12
th, 2013 at 5:21pm:
matty wrote on Jun 12
th, 2013 at 5:08pm:
As usual, the double standard persists. It's okay for Gillard to be insulting, rude and offensive to men in her spec last night that was at a campaign rally called 'Women for Gillard's. Just imagine of it had been the reverse - a campaign called 'Men for Abbott, and Abbott had made similar comments? Oh what the outcry and moral high round would be from those of the left.
Yes part of that is true, but it's what we have to live with given the history. Not saying I support the fact that Tony would be called a sexist if he held a meeting of all men, but I'm saying reality is, given the history that's where we are as a western society. But that has nothing to do with what i'm talking about. What I'm asking is for longie (or you if you really want to have a go) to explain how her comments re: Tony don't have merit given Tony's gaffes of the past, and his own developed maternity leave policY? not to mention his front bench and the senior positions on the front bench, which she was referring to, and now this menu fiasco. None of what you said excuses the fact that they've in a way have proven her right. ANd it definitely doesn't excuse the fact that Hockey and Brough are both despicable men, that us other men should be condemning as much as possible (unless we agree with the comments, of course).
It's funny how we didn't see the same moral outcry from those of the left when a disgusting 'joke' was made about Peta Credlin,
we did, stop lying
at an event attended by several Labor MPs about half of which did not leave after the 'joke' was made.
They didn't laugh, pretend it didn't exist, and wait till it was headlines to show their disapproval.
Nor did we see it when a Labor backbencher called Julie Bishop a narcissistic bimbo.
Narcissistic, yes. Bimbo? no.
1. What exact comments do you mean, and what of the PPL?
Again, read the comments before. Enough trying to rehash over and over. Ludicrous.
2. I don't care about history. I care about the here and now. Women either want equaliy or superioroty. A lot of so-called feminists clearly want the latter, not the former.
So it's okay in your opinion to have white only TV stations? As an example?
3. So what if there are a limites number of women on the front bench? I couldn't care whether they're all men, all women or a 50-50 split. Right person for the right job.
Done and dusted. I used to agree, but the issue is a lot more complex then the simple "most experienced" because the culture of the organisation is involved in it, and within the culture it could very well be that some men succeed better than women.
4. No Labor MP spoke about the event until after it had happened. To their credit, some of them did leave but many
didn't leave, as well.
They didn't wait for it to be broken in the news.
5. How do you know at Brought and Hockey laughed?
More than likely given they are now lying about not seeing it. It's an assumption, make what you will of it. But if they didn't appreciate it then why hide in the first place?
6. Moreover, how do you in any way link this to Abbott?
Because Tony has as usual done the under the rug treatement. And I'm not linking THIS particular issue to Tony, so much so as the potential culture of sexism within the Liberal Party to the likes of Tony.
7. Your weak comment about Bishop pretty much proves my point
That being?