longweekend58 wrote on Jun 12
th, 2013 at 2:59pm:
Dumb, Dumber and Dumberer. With all due reverence to the classic movie Dumb and Dumber (don’t watch the sequel!) this movie could star Julia Gillard if there was to ever be the political remake of it.
Gillard’s political strategy skills have always been pretty average at best with the occasional foray into the poor category, but 2013 has shown us the New Julia or the Real Julia or whoever she is supposed to be today. And this Julia is a downright terrible political tactician. Well behind in the polls at the start of this year, we saw the Government going after media with a set of draconian and obviously punitive legislation. You desperately need the media on board to help power your come-back so what is the obvious solution? Punish them of course. Dumb.
So you have a leadership contender? Not really news since every party always has a few people around the periphery checking out the top job. Leadership fights are par for the course and can be unsettling to any party. So what do you do if you are the Labor Party? You take your fight to the airwaves and the streets and publically vilify the former PM and frankly, the only current Labor MP with a popularity above zero and the one-time holder of the most popular PM title ever. Read that again. EVER! Dumber. But at least they are preparing for round three of the “let’s vent our collective spleen in public” game!
It would be hard to top such amateurish and frankly, infantile behaviour but our not-so-beloved PM has managed to pull out a ‘dumberer’. Against such worthy competition for dumbest stunt ever, Gillard decided to attack men. Not just content with maligning Tony Abbott with sexism charges and misogyny claims last year, this time she went after men – all men. Pure political genius – if you were planning to lose by the biggest margin possible. If there was any doubt before that Gillard was the real sexist on the front bench then there is no more. The claim of misandry (men hating) has a lot of evidence and more is mounting. Julia Gillard hates men. Pure and simple and increasingly difficult to deny. So now we can scratch another couple percent of Labor’s woeful polls.
All throughout her term as PM Gillard has demonstrated a poor understanding of political strategy but instead of learning her craft and honing her skills as Tony Abbot has, she has gotten more arrogant and at the same time, much worse at her job. While Abbott has been improving his public performances and even developing some late-run skills in diplomacy and statesmanship, Gillard has been showing just what a disaster she has been as Prime Minister.
The gaffe-prone PM has claimed that the Coalition will get rid of women in parliament which is an offensive claim as well as manifestly stupid. But there is one thing Gillard has done for the future of women in parliament. She has set their cause back a generation. In the years after Gillard, women will be put off from entering politics because the big jobs will appear to be denied them and that will be because the experience of a woman PM was such a disaster that no party will want to risk it again for a long, long time. Julia Gillard is arguably the worst PM in history vying for the title from Billy MacMahon having already eclipsed Gough Whitlam’s efforts.
I don’t know what the next word after Dumb, Dumber and Dumberer is. Unfortunately, it appears I better go to work thinking one up. I will obviously need it.
Stay tune for the next act in “How I destroyed the ALP without really trying...”
No offence, I stopped reading as it became a rather dull rant that stinks of misunderstanding.
For the most part, I will agree with Latham in that the destabilising that has occurred has been all Rudd, Rudd and Rudd. Fact is, polls are crap. Rudd takes advantage of this and takes the fight to the streets. What choice does Gillard exactly have?
As for attacking men, while yesterday I agreed it was stupid, today watching the likes of Hockey and dumbf**k Brough I'd agree with her. What a disgrace. What an utter disgrace to sit around, more than likely laugh, and only when it becomes public news to back track and claim they've never read it. The first ting they should've done is walked out. Full stop. They are either going for public office, or in public office. To sit around at a fundraiser where this types of things are considered "hilarious" is not befit of any politician. As for Gillard, your claim she hates men is rubbish. She hates Abbott and his merry men. And they don't stnad for what I stand, and for the fact that they would participate in such casual sexism as politicians who should know better...well... I hate them too. They are a disgrace to my sex.
As for Abbott, well I'm sorry but again I bring up his maternity leave scheme and say that unless someone can show me otherwise, how does his maternity leave scheme NOT stink of a man who thinks women are the ones who need to stay home and be housewifes, and is putting in a policy that will guarantee it? And his past statements on women? it all goes towards his inner beliefs, and gaffes some may be, gaffes nonetheless tell us more about a person than their carefully written statements.
And lest we forget his punching frenzy. Although recent news suggests he doesn't just intimidate women, but anyone who stands in his way. What a wank job.