polite_gandalf wrote on Jun 28
th, 2013 at 2:36pm:
Soren wrote on Jun 28
th, 2013 at 12:12pm:
Had the Arabs recognised it also as it was in 1948, expansion would have been impossible as there would have been no war.
In case you haven't noticed, Israel is not exactly averse to snubbing international opinion in order to achieve its goals.
Yes, Israel does everything and anything in self-defence, even defy the UN general Assembly.
But there is the point - in self-defence. If the Arabs had recognised Israel, like the rest of the world, and hadn't attacked it, there would be NO need for Israel to defend itself. There is no ongoing war over Alsace-Lorraine, Silesia, Schleswig-Holstein, Transylvania, South Tyrol, etc, etc.
Arabs put down their weapons and recognise Israel = peace.
Israel put down its weapons = holocaust mark 2 (or I should say holocaust mark 487). Israel is duty bound to defy the UN as long as the UN doesn't compel the Arabs to recognise Israel.
Because of the Koran-based hatred of the Jews, the Arabs cannot even begin to look at the story of the Jews from the Jews' perspective. There are no free and open Muslim association in the Arab world openly and safely agitating for the recognition of Israel - but you have plenty of Jews, in Israel and around the world, looking at the Pallos sympathetically and agitating for them without being anti Israel or anti-Jew - and then some who are actually both...
But Muslims are trapped in the command to exterminate the Jews and so to have a Jewish state in what they falsely claim to be 'Muslim lands' is a major religio-political problem and a dangerous contradiction of Koranic soothsaying.
And all the Western Jew-haters rally around the Pallos and Islam, for here is a
Judenfrei ideology that predates the Nazis.