Something just occurred to me about the left wing bias for Fairfax, the media empire has been struggling for a long time and after September many of their ALP based contacts will be sent packing from Canberra ...... how are they going to be relevant after September on the political front ?
It kind of makes sense that they would like to see Gillard go as the basis of their bias will be further eroded after September. They might have to learn about journalistic balance or worse .... how to write an article from a conservative perspective or even learn what that is.
Mark Kenny will need to learn to swim in reality, his concern for the faceless ALP men who might have to earn an honest living for a change is rather amusing: Quote:And none more so than the ''faceless men'' from the 2010 palace coup: Bill Shorten, the Workplace Relations Minister; Don Farrell, a South Australian senator largely unseen despite his public capacities as Science and Research Minister; and David Feeney, a Victorian Right figure of limited profile.
As Labor limps towards what seems like inevitable defeat, Shorten faces a diabolical choice, with every turn risking as much on the downside as on the up. He is being leaned on to transfer his imprimatur from Julia Gillard back to Kevin Rudd in the name of salvaging Labor seats around the country.
This is the side of party politics I despise, these anti-democratic forces in all parties that make choices the public often don't want eg. implant a lying incompetent feral hypocritical leader.
Who cares about them ?
Only their buddies in the fairfax media who will look rather irrelevant with a small ALP party after September.