This is why "debating" on this site is completely smacking pointless.
Right wing conservative buggerheads come here, and post complete and utter bullshit. Flat out lies, mistruths, misdirections, disingenuous information and fallacies. Other people come in here and post actual proof to correct these assholes, and the assholes, who cannot post any proof of their own, refuse to admit that they are flat out wrong.
Its completely smacking pointless.
I mean, lets have a look at this post, shall we?
Grendel wrote on Jun 14
th, 2013 at 1:06pm:
But everyone knows the Greens are watermelons.
OH NOES SOCIALISM. Maybe this slur had a bit of a bite back in your formative years, but now that we live in this century, with our income tax system (thats socialism) and one of the worlds best health care systems (socialism), maybe you could explain why you think that socialism is bad and wrong. Of course you cant explain. You are an idiot who couldnt explain 1+1.
Quote:Common sense would tell anyone (rational) that real action not a tax is the only real way to combat the so-called problem.
Fallacy. Appeal to authority. What makes it even better is that its an appeal to a poo authority, because common sense isnt common, and is often over ruled by what actually works. For example, You are a smacking idiot who doesnt realise that Abbotts direct action plan includes a levy (thats another word for a tax) on business. So to get your fabled non tax direct action plan working, you need a tax. buggerhead.
Quote:Have you any knowledge of what that involves.
You do know that plants use CO2 and that they have a symbiotic relationship with animals that use oxygen and breathe out CO2 right?
You do realise that Carbon isn't mystically being created out of thin air don't you and that the planet we live on is largely a closed system.
This is all just disengenious bullshit that has no actual relation to the subject matter.
Quote:Direct action will directly impact on emissions and various forms or pollution and various negative environmental impacts.
Vague promises with no evidence.
Sounds like coalition policy to me.