Grendel wrote on Jun 15
th, 2013 at 1:45am:
[url]Oh Grendel the unbiased one - swinging voter who seems to support all conservative positions.[/url]
I never said it was underfunded. You did. Need I mention the Treasury yet again? You keep repeating yourself and the propaganda.
Independent modelling shows that direct action cost about 10 X more to achieve the same outcome. Abbott's direct action plan is capped at 25% of the fixed carbon price which is 1 - 40Th or what is required to get the same result.
There are currently no economists or climate scientists willing to support the direct action model.
60% of direct action is based on the unproven soil seqestration.
Quote:CSIRO's soil carbon trials actually showed a decrease in the amount of carbon stored in the soil!
Quote:the Coalition is basing 60 per cent of its Direct Action policy on a technology that the CSIRO says it can't predict will work, and can't measure adequately either.
The opposition are claiming about $8 per ton and the farmers are saying to start talking at about $25 per ton.
energy efficiency and green building standards. The Direct Action policy promises a total of "20-30 million tonnes" of carbon emissions reductions by 2020 through this mechanism.This below is the policy wording - all of it???? This is the detail ????
Quote:[A] Coalition Government will work with a range of industry groups including the Clean Energy Council, the Energy Efficiency Council, the Green Buildings Council and the Property Council to develop complementary energy efficiency measures.
This is going to account for the second largest reduction in Carbon abatment - up to 30 million tons.
You may note that it does not tell us what it will do how by who what the cost is or anything else. The magic pudding again. It appears that they are going to give a bucket full of money to developers and hope they do something.
Then there is the solar grants in which a Million panels installed would work out at about $133 per ton of carbon abated.
The whole concept is based on political expediency.
If you look at the dynamics of direct action it is basically the cash for clunkers policy used in carbon reduction.
With direct action we have well over $10 Billion with not one cent actually funded but the negative of still paying an additional $5 Billion for the carbon fixed price compensation package also not funded.
Direct action is a politically expedient pretence.