won't collaborate on Coalition policy of turning back boats, says ambassador
INDONESIA'S ambassador to Australia has ruled out agreeing to the Coalition's policy of turning back asylum-seeker boats, declaring no such collaboration will occur.
Ambassador Nadjib Riphat Kesoema said Indonesia would welcome Tony Abbott or whoever leads Australia after the September election.
But he said asylum-seeker boats should be turned back to other countries, not to Indonesia.
“Indonesia is a transit country and also the victim of this situation. I think it's not possible for the Coalition to say that it has to go back to Indonesia because Indonesia is not the origin country of these people,” he told reporters in Canberra. #####
People-smuggling boats are leaving Indonesia loaded up with human cargo.
It's all been exposed on 4Corners etc. Paradise Yes, all revealed...all exposed.
This ambassador and his masters in Indonesia must think we're stupid or something.
If Abbott is elected to govt in Sept he must cut Indonesia 'adrift'...bye bye.
Stop all aid, financial, live animal exports etc etc etc.
Stop giving Indonesia $500million plus of borrowed money every 52 all the other special grants totalling billions.
Cut off the phone to Indonesia and toss it in the bin...permanently.
Buy some new nuke-powered and nuke-armed warships and submarines...a la HMS Dauntless and US subs.
Send them up to Indonesia and have them turn the people-smuggling boats around and point them back at Indonesia.
...instead of licking Indonesia's boots.