skippy. wrote on Jun 14
th, 2013 at 9:01pm:
JC Denton wrote on Jun 14
th, 2013 at 8:37pm:
skippy. wrote on Jun 14
th, 2013 at 8:33pm:
JC Denton wrote on Jun 14
th, 2013 at 8:27pm:
skippy. wrote on Jun 14
th, 2013 at 4:16pm:
No surprises there. The better educated one is the less likely they are to vote Conservative. It's nice to see this backs it up as fact.
how do you honestly interpret that from that chart? the people with the lowliest and most uneducated professions evidently vote labor.
You obviously fit well into the conservative group if you need to ask that question. Just about every profession that votes GREENS needs a tertiary education. Where as most if not all of the Liberal voters could do the job with no formal qualifications.
how do you reconcile that then with the fact that labor voters are even stupider? greens are evidently the smartest/best educated of the three (no doubt) but labor is by far the dumbest. the hierarchy is greens - liberals - labor (a distant third).
I don't see too many degrees among the Liberal professions either. Sure the Laborites are not over represented in the degrees either but just because someone is a pen pusher it doesn't make them any smarter than the forkie.
Oh, and you're only the second smartest one here.
defense force members - not sure what th eminimum requirement is for just a regular rank and file aus army member but i know that they have a floor that cuts out dummies from joining for obvious reasons
supply and distribution managers - yeah not the highest intellectual requirement but is it really any lower than b.s jobs like 'social worker'?
financial investment / advisers etc - definitely intellectually demanding, education intensive jobs
financial broker - ditto
importer, exporter, wholesale - about the same level as 'supply and distribution manager' (whatever the bugger that is)
police - definitely knuckle draggers here, move along
manufacturers - vague, whats that? if its just line/assembly workers then obviously dum dum, but labor has a category too which is that (factory process worker)
chief executive / managing director - high intellectual requirements for this
livestock farmer - not that high
air transport professionals - they dont like dum dums fly planes.
labor's list is almost entirely comprised of blue collar workers.