More police staff to be made redundant despite crime being on the rise

Peter Mickelburough
Herald Sun
June 13, 2013
More Victoria Police are being made redundant, despite the rising rates of crime. Source: Herald Sun
VICTORIA Police is set to axe more staff despite rising crime rates.

An email seen by the Herald Sun invites unsworn police staff to apply for a second round of departure packages as the Napthine Government hunts for more savings.
Opposition police spokeswoman Jacinta Allan said police operations already stretched by earlier cuts would be under greater pressure from another round of redundancies.

"This decision by Premier Napthine shows how out of touch he is with Victorian families when crime is out of control, and his solution is to cut even more Victoria Police staff," she said.
Ms Allan said the Government had already cut more than $100 million from the force's budget and had slashed 380 staff from Victoria Police.

She said the cuts showed the Government's so-called tough-on-crime agenda was in tatters, with jumps in crimes against the person, including family violence and assaults, as well as burglaries, drug offences and motor vehicle thefts.
Last month Chief Commissioner Ken Lay told Parliament's Public Accounts and Estimates Committee the budget cuts were having an impact on policing.
"There is no doubt at all that there has been a challenging time for us in relation to our finances. There have been occasions when we have actually reshaped our business to meet some of those challenges," he said.
Police spokeswoman Cath Allen said the latest departures would not compromise the community's safety.
The latest redundancy offer was emailed to staff this week, with a 5pm June 24 deadline.
Emily Broadbent, Police Minister Kim Wells's spokeswoman, said expressions of interest from up to 30 staff were expected.
"As the VPS staff eligible to apply occupy non-frontline roles, this process will not impact on frontline services," she said.
According to the email, sworn police, protective service officers, forensic officers, medical staff and advanced investigation administration and support staff are exempt from the redundancy offer, along with staff from recruiting, personnel and payroll, records, licensing services and the service reform group.