De-registered User wrote on Jun 15
th, 2013 at 11:51am:
When will you queers finally understand that homophobia is a made up word purely to attack normal humans. There is no link to hidden desires of gay acts or being gang raped by gays. Hetro's that dislike gays is not a fear as the made up word homophobic states. Hetro's that dislike gays particularly gay men is because of the disgusting act homo's enjoy doing ie having sex with the same sex, gays just try to justify the act by using the word love, and mutual consent.
The fact is natures law goes against gays. You can debate all you like using words such as politically correct, humanitarian, and love, but a fact is a fact and natures way is the only way which is scientifically supported. Homosexuality should be treated as a disease just like cancer, a cure should be priority to rid the human race of this filthy sickening act.
Abbott is clean, his is hetero, Dillard has Dike written all over her. Dillard is in a relationship with a male..........reminds me of when Elton John got married to a female.

, generation X , quite well articulated. i doubt that will be teachable under the national curiculum but i was feeling i must have a problem as the thought of feces on my foreskin makes me gag. i thought i must be like those women terrified of spiders and was wondering if i should seek expensive counselling for my phobia but now realise, there is just a "chance' i am normal

i am so hoping i dont have to confront my irrational fears of rimming and felching. again, these practices scare me and i am comforted that at least ther is a chance that my repugnence at the thought of doing them may be acceptable in todays society.
you have given a voice to white males like myself who like vaginas and nipples. as a minority group, can we thank you for speaking up for us.