Swagman wrote on Jun 19
th, 2013 at 9:53am:
It's a fair comment to make.
Just because you can, doesn't mean you do.
Hmmmmmm - Show me the links between marriage equality and incest/bestiality in other countries!
It's not a "fair" comment to make, it has no basis in reality and shouldn't be entertained.
Are you really comparing marriage equality to these things?
Show me the peer reviewed study that backs this up.
What next - women working, voting and driving?
Black and white people getting married?
Anyone would think it was 1950 - it's 2013 and I thought we had gotten passed this shite.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HgTuL1IwokThose poor Christians!
A giant temper tantrum that they have to share their toys - couldn't agree more.
It's like you can't go around vilifying large subsets of the community any more.
Your not homophobic, you just don't like gay people, don't want us to be considered as normal, don't want us to have relationship recognition.
We should really be more tolerant of those against marriage equality - it's not like they can get married and have all of the rights we don't!
You've convinced me - gay people are being so selfish, haven't they thought of the children.
It's not like 1/2 of all couples get divorced within 7 years anyway.