Socrates wrote on Jun 26
th, 2013 at 12:59pm:
Australia cannot expect to do business with other countries if its not prepared to return the favour. Price is this country's problem, everything is overpriced and that is because the unions and the government have extorted money from the manufacturers and the producers. They have allowed a duopoly to exist for years were producers are made to accept whatever Coles and Woolworth's decide they'll pay. The unions just ask for more and more, the taxpayer has to subsidise industries which are unviable because of this. Then when they don't get the sales because it's still cheaper to import, they shut shop and put workers on the dole. They just manufacture elsewhere and we import for better quality and better prices. Free trade isn't this country's problem, poor quality and high prices are.
If Australia simply cannot produce something that we require, then I'm all for importing those things we cannot produce ourselves. Bring it droves.
But that's not what's happening with this madness of "Free Trade". What the wealthy exporters in Australia are saying is very simple:
"We know full well that people in Australia can produce "Product X" and "Service Y", but since people overseas are desperate, starving, and willing to produce the same (or similar) products and services for a much cheaper cost, I'll import those goods/services. I don't care if the rest of Australia starves and dies."
People in Australia expect a more equitable distribution of wealth that is NOT affected by the madness overseas. "Free Trade" is simply an means of enforcing a type of economic Darwinism/Survival of the fittest by exploiting large, 3rd world populations that are starving & desperate - if you cannot compete at lower costs, you will starve and die. If you want to support this type of lunacy, no problem, you can do so by voting for the Liberals. I'm more than happy to disappoint you that I won't be joining your decision at the ballot box.
Coporations in Australia need to accept they cannot keep increasing their profits at a massive rate, percentage-wise, in comparison to their own workforce and the rest of the population. Simple.