gizmo_2655 wrote on Jun 23
rd, 2013 at 8:07pm:
rabbitoh07 wrote on Jun 23
rd, 2013 at 7:53pm:
gizmo_2655 wrote on Jun 23
rd, 2013 at 7:46pm:
miketrees wrote on Jun 23
rd, 2013 at 6:32pm:
1) The implications are just too confronting Less confronting than it will be when we waste time try to stop something we can't stop, when we should have been adapting to it
I think you might be a 1
I also see warming as inevitable however I do readily accept that its happening
As do I mike...I just don't think that human technology is the cause, or even a partial cause.
No. You don't think at all. We have established that.
You simply parrot whatever Bolt or Jones or whatever silly blogs you read tells you.
As you have shown us here when you lied about the UK Met Office reporting that there has been
"no warming for 16 years"Liar Liar Pants on Fire.
The UK Met Office reported no such thing.
You read it in a stupid column in a British tabloid and you fell for it hook, line and sinker.
And now - confronted with the reality that you were caught telling lies - you seem to just want to run away from that fact.
No Rabbit, you have no idea what I believe, because you are so ideologically blinded, you can't even seem to comprehend what people post.
But just for the others here, the 16 year 'pause' in warming (which EVEN the mighty Phil Jones acknowledges) is fairly solid proof that the warming is <80% natural, if it was being 'driven' by Co2, there could only be a pause or slowing if the Co2 rate slowed, which it hasn't.
So, if the 'driver' stays constant, and the result fluctuates that is an indication that there's something else at play.
( after all, the water doesn't get hotter when the stove is turned off)
Where is this report from the Uk Met that says there has been
"no warming for 16 years"Come on liar
We are waiting liar
Let's see it liar
Show us this "report" - or admit that you are an ignorant little turd that has fallen hook, line and sinker for a bit of nonsense in a column in a British tabloid, and are too stupid to tell the difference between fact and fiction.
This is what happens when you let shock-jocks do your thinking for you. You end up making an idiot of yourself.
And as for this:
(which EVEN the mighty Phil Jones acknowledges)WTF?!?! You are now making your lie worse by implying that Phil Jones said there has been
"no warming for 16 years"?!?!?
Don't you know when to stop?
You better show us evidence of this too, Liar.
Let's see the "report" from the UK Met Office that says there has been
"no warming for 16 years", and a quote from Phil Jones that says there has been
"no warming for 16 years".
And please - let's see
actual evidence of these things. Not some stupid opinion piece from the Daily Mail that you have got 2nd or 3rd hand from Bolt or Jones or someone.
We are waiting Liar.