bogarde73 wrote on Jun 25
th, 2013 at 3:02pm:
We have that already. One we commonly call income tax, now with a tax-free theshhold of $18000 or thereabouts, which applies to individuals whether employed, self-employed or partners in a partnership.
The other we commonly call company tax, which applies to all incorporated businesses whether listed public companies or small one-person companies.
No, what I'm talking about is having two ENTIRELY SEPARATE tax scales, not a few additional taxes for companies. This is not what we have at the moment.
Also, a separate "comapny tax" should be scrapped.
Quote:The cost of prisons, a state govt function, is not crippling our economy. It is a drop in the bucket compared to health and education.
Education and Healthcare will always be there, and is typically budgeted for, but an ever-rising prison population is a controllable variable, and it is one that is hurting our economy. There was an article online a few months ago that talked about South Australia's MASSIVELY overburdened prison system - I'll see if I can find it soon.
Quote:Billions have been spent for many years on skills training. In many cases the money has gone on providing mickey mouse courses.
Ah yes, then that would explain why most of our Trade/Technical Colleges have been shut down decades ago, where now we have an alleged skills shortage. Corporations and wealthy tax payers simply do not want to pay for the cost of educating and training our workforce, once they leave school.
Quote:In others there have just not been the jobs for the people who completed the courses.
This is the #1 problem, above all else.
Quote:Free birth control for the unemployed? If the females are receiving benefits I assume they would have a health care card and could get the pill fairly cheaply.
Currently there is NO Government PBS Subsidy for the Birth Control Pill. I know this because I have spoken to many women who have tried to get it - doesn't happen. The issue of the unemployed having lots of children is the biggest problem we face, but people don't appreciate this issue. At last the Government is subsidising the Morning After Pill for women with Health Care Cards....thank Christ.
Quote:If you qualify for Austudy, you may be entitled to other payments and services such as:
Payments & services
•Centrelink Online Services[10]
•Clean Energy Advance[12]
•Ex-Carer Allowance (Child) Health Care Card[13]
•Fares Allowance[14]
•Income Bank[7]
•Income Support Bonus[15]
•Pension Supplement[16]
•Pharmaceutical Allowance[17]
•Rent Assistance[18]
•Sickness Allowance[19]
•Student Start-up Scholarship
Did someone state that Austudy recipients don't get rent assistance?
The last time I heard, Austudy Recipients do NOT get Rent Assistance. If this has changed, please do tell....I'd love to stand corrected.
I truly appreciate your reply; you raised some very valid points - not all entirely correct - but valid, nonetheless. Thanks. On a side note, I have often been labelled a "soft do-gooder". Not at all. I think many, many Aussies need an almighty boot up the a**e, however I want people to realise two things:
- Australians always have, and always will, refuse to work for the types of wages earned in Asia and India.
- It's a HECK of a lot cheaper to provide realistic, stable employment (e.g. approx $45k per year) than what it costs to lock people up.