GA wrote on Jun 27
th, 2013 at 12:33pm:
But, you should be, as their opinion does matter. Who else, after-all, has been keeping Aussieland out of the 'red' for the past few decades, if it's not the mining companies?
The oil and mining companies are the #1 insidious evil on this planet. Those resources belong to ALL of us....not those who can simply afford the capital to dig it out of the ground for their own profit.
Quote:Aussieland's poor economic performance should take a back seat to the myth that, 'virtual' wealth's, redistribution would solve any problem?
How do you redistribute something that doesn't exist? The real problem is that there is no wealth. And Population growth and migration are major issues in that this country desperately needs a bigger population.
"With all due respect", your comment above? Utter bullsh*t. Of all your comments, this is the most incorrect. There is PLENTY of wealth in's being dug up by mining companies at the moment and sold to Asia/China so the mining companies can make profits. If I had my choice, those mines should be Government owned, where all the profits are invested into Australian infrastructure and renewable energy programs. NOT the pockets of miners and shareholders.
Quote:We will need to be subjected to bouts of 'Austeria' regardless of which major party is in government, because neither of them have solution to what is a self inflicted problem.
You're spot on in saying it's a self-inflicted problem.....GLOBALISATION. If we need to pay off debts, no them off over 30+ years by taxing the wealthiest heavily. If they don't like it, they can leave. But if you want to introduce Austerity measures, like they're trying to in Greece, I'd be too frightened to walk out my front door for all the povety and violent crime you'd get.
Quote:We all have a right to choose our own careers, and no society should have to adjust that choice to suit the poor economic management of a government.
Up until the introduction of Globalisation and widespread Privatisation, Australia was doing well and many more people had jobs. But now almost everything in Australia has been moved offshore, and we're now scratching our heads as to why we're having such massive social problems.
The reason a Government needs to intervene, in regards to different career options and distribution of wealth, is that the alternative is enormous Centrelink Queues and an ever-growing prison population. Which not only costs a heck of a lot more than providing jobs, but is something both you and I pay for. Take your pick - Government intervention....or massive unemployment, UNDERemployment, and prison levels (which is what we're now getting). What the corporations are refusing to pay in wages to Australian employees, the rest of us are having to make up for in taxes (many, many times over) to build and manage our prisons.
Quote:Your'e saying, that because the government has failed to provide needed jobs, these people should further bow their heads and accept that they also don't have the right to have children.
Already answered this issue. I am not vilifying the unemployed, or saying they should
never have children. Only
while they're unemployed should they be encouraged not to have children. But we should be doing everything in our power to help them get back on their feet as quickly as we can with better benefits and free education and training, so they can have children as soon as they want to.
Quote:The skill levels in this country are low, because Aussie always aims low. And anything that helps with this problem must, by default, be a solution.
For all their stuffs up and mistakes, the Labor Government is doing everything they can to invest in education to fix this problem. The Liberal's alternative is to import economic migrants who already have been trained, will work for lower wages, and let the unemployed in Australia become homeless and starve. Unfortunately, when people have no money and get hungry (or have a drug habit to feed), they turn to crime and end up in prison, where (like I said) you and I have to pay for them.
Quote:Why should anyone living in a great big empty country, that has so few people, need to be paying so much rent that they need assistance?
This is because the areas of Australia that are liveable and have infrastructure are actually very, very small. Most of Australia is an inhospitable desert, and people don't live there. Thought you'd be enlightened enough to work that out, but I stand corrected.
Quote:Aussie Realist, with all due respects, this post of yours is really just a pile of puke.
With all due respect, by no means am I waving a Labor Party flag (far from it, as they have many problems to contend with)....I don't agree with the Liberal's vile brand of neo-coprorate fascism to solve this nation's problems, as all it does is create a massive division in wealth and fill prisons....just so shareholders in our mines and banks can smile. That's not what I'll be supporting.
Quote:Welcome to the forum.
NOT from you.