Sprintcyclist wrote on Jun 27
th, 2013 at 9:54am:
And what does the universe expand 'into' "
I thought the universe was everything ?
Does it expand into a vacuum.
Is the vacuum pulling the universe apart.
It's anybody's guess.
It's push, not pull factors that has us spinning through space at the moment.
The one-off Big Bang theory has been thoroughly trashed, of course. It was a favourite of the Goddists, and so enjoyed quite a run in the popularity polls.
Nobody wanted to risk their university cosmology grants from the government by announcing they believed the Big Bang theory was a religious hoax based upon keeping faith with Genesis in the Bible.
As we now know, the universe breathes in and breathes out like a huge lung. Or like a spherical tide in constant ebb and flow.
Although I am a card-carrying atheist (NOT a communist) ~ I'm not entirely sure there isn't an invisible 'Intelligence' operating in the universe.
I'm not entirely convinced that Evolutionary Theory accounts for all of the mind-boggling complexities of the living organism. The extraordinary cleverness of the human body alone gives pause for thought if there isn't something beyond Natural Selection and the evolving complexities of the higher orders of species.
Needless to say, by no stretch of the imagination would I try to hawk the highly improbable fiction that there is a
moral God.
A practical, artisan God - maybe. But moral? Not a chance.